Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

1 2 3 4 5 6 18 96 / 430 POSTS
Dixie Valley Toad Emergency Listed As Endangered By USFWS

Dixie Valley Toad Emergency Listed As Endangered By USFWS

The toad is the smallest toad within the western toad species complex. [...]
Most Poison Frogs In Herp Keeping Are Captive-Bred, Study Says

Most Poison Frogs In Herp Keeping Are Captive-Bred, Study Says

The poaching and overharvesting of these wild caught frogs can have severe negative impacts on the wild populations as well as the genetic diversity o [...]
Two New Glass Frog Species Discovered In Ecuadorian Andes

Two New Glass Frog Species Discovered In Ecuadorian Andes

Both frogs are a translucent green in coloration with yellow spots and see through bellies. [...]
New Mossy Frog Species Discovered in Vietnam

New Mossy Frog Species Discovered in Vietnam

Theloderma khoii sp. nov. is different from other mossy frogs in the genus in that it is larger. [...]
Illinois’ Famous “Snake Road” In Shawnee National Forest Closed Until May 15

Illinois’ Famous “Snake Road” In Shawnee National Forest Closed Until May 15

The U.S. Forest Service usually closes the 2.5 mile road March 15, but due to warming weather, the road closed March 5. [...]

Microhylid Frog Species Discovered in Peru

Synapturanus danta sp. nov., or tapir frog, is a burrower and was found underneath roots of the Clusia sp. tree. [...]
Chytrid Fungus More Prevalent In Baja CA Red-Legged Frogs Than In Southern CA Frogs

Chytrid Fungus More Prevalent In Baja CA Red-Legged Frogs Than In Southern CA Frogs

In addition to the red-legged frogs, the researchers also found that the Western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) had the highest Bd load of all the amphibian s [...]
Cuban Treefrogs In Florida Carry Rat Lungworm Disease

Cuban Treefrogs In Florida Carry Rat Lungworm Disease

The state recommends that you euthanize the amphibian immediately and humanely once captured. [...]
African Clawed Frogs Regenerate Hind Limbs With Drug Therapies

African Clawed Frogs Regenerate Hind Limbs With Drug Therapies

The researchers surgically removed one hind leg of adult African clawed frogs and then used a silicone sleeve, called a BioDome cap, on the stump to a [...]
Watergum Australia Launches Cane Toad Bust

Watergum Australia Launches Cane Toad Bust

Cane toads are an invasive species in Australia with population estimates at more than 2 billion. [...]
Researchers Name a Tiny Rainfrog After Activist Greta Thunberg

Researchers Name a Tiny Rainfrog After Activist Greta Thunberg

The frog, named Greta Thunberg’s rainfrogs (Pristimantis gretathunbergae) is tiny, at about 3 to 4 centimeters in length. [...]
USFWS Proposes Protections For Several Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Populations

USFWS Proposes Protections For Several Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Populations

The foothill yellow-legged frog is known for the yellow coloration under their legs. [...]

More than 1,000 Hellbenders Hatched This Fall At St. Louis Zoo

Of the 1,333 hatchlings, 583 came from eggs brought to the facility by the Missouri Department of Conservation. [...]
Cane Toads Discovered On Taiwan And Officials Are Trying To Eradicate Them

Cane Toads Discovered On Taiwan And Officials Are Trying To Eradicate Them

Conservationists think people began breeding them after the 2016 ban and offspring have since escaped or been released into the wild. [...]
Frogs And Toads Age Faster In Warm Climates, Study Says

Frogs And Toads Age Faster In Warm Climates, Study Says

The researchers believe that the warmer temperatures will also negatively affect other cold-blooded species. [...]
Caring For The African Dwarf Frog

Caring For The African Dwarf Frog

When people hear the word frog, they picture a giant green frog with bulgy eyes hopping through the grass. Or perhaps perched upon a tree branch croak [...]
Cane Toad Tadpoles In Australia Cannibalize Younger Tadpoles

Cane Toad Tadpoles In Australia Cannibalize Younger Tadpoles

Researchers in Australia have discovered an interesting trait in invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) tadpoles in Australia not seen in their native S [...]

80 Frogs Rescued And Treated From Oil Spill In Santa Barbara, CA

An oil seepage in Santa Barbara, California’s Toro Canyon Creek has caused more than 80 Baja California and California treefrogs and one western fence [...]
Australia’s White-bellied Frog At Greatest Risk Of Extinction

Australia’s White-bellied Frog At Greatest Risk Of Extinction

The white-bellied frog (Geocrinia alba) has joined 25 other frog species in Australia on that country’s list of species at greatest risk of extinction [...]

USFWS Sets Aside 1315 Acres In Texas For Two Salamander Species

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has designated more than 1,300 acres of critical habitat near Austin, TX for the Georgetown  (Eurycea nauf [...]

29 Captive Raised Hellbender Salamanders Released In Tennessee

The Nashville Zoo, in partnership with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency & Tennessee State University, last month released 29 zoo raised eas [...]

Zoos Victoria Raises 15 Giant Burrowing Frog Tadpoles To Froglet Stage

Zoos Victoria has announced that 15 of 100 giant burrowing frog (Heleioporus australiacus) tadpoles have grown legs and have metamorphosed, a first fo [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 18 96 / 430 POSTS