Author: Zach Brinks
Keeping and Breeding Red-eyed Treefrogs
Red-eyed treefrogs are fairly easy to house – lucky you! These animals do not get exceptionally large but do require a bit of room as adults. [...]

Keeping White’s Treefrogs
Few frogs are as instantly recognizable as the chubby White's treefrog (Ranoidea caerulea). So named after John White, who first described the species [...]

Solomon Island Leaf Frog Care And Breeding
This species of frog is now widely available as healthy, captive-bred specimens.

How To Build A Bioactive Enclosure For Your Crested Gecko
A more natural approach to keeping America’s favorite pet gecko. [...]

Malaysian Horned Frog Care And Breeding Tips
Get hooked on these awesome anurans. [...]

Painted Frogs Of Madagascar
Mantellas may be tiny in stature, but their appeal is enormous. [...]

Care and Breeding The Yellow-Spotted Climbing Toad
These toads are hardy when captive bred, and as easy to keep as a White’s tree frog. [...]

Care and Breeding the Vietnamese Mossy Frog
Like many good things, it all started with a book. When I was a child, a weekly visit to the library resulted in some frustration. I had checked out a [...]

Breeding The Bumblebee Dart Frog
Dendrobates leucomelas is considered easy to breed, although the species will never be as fecund as many other common species of dart frogs. [...]
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