Category: Big Boxes

4 Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Pet
Knowledge is the key when it comes to choosing food for your pet. [...]
Critically Endangered Philippine Crocodile Can Scale 50 Degree Limestone Walls
The most critically endangered crocodile species in the world, the Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) can climb steep hills, a behavior tha [...]
Nearly 200 Hatchling Galapagos Tortoises Seized At Galapagos Island Airport
The Galapagos tortoise is captive bred in many countries around the world to ensure the survival of these species, yet some smugglers tried to smuggle [...]

Sonoran Desert Tortoise Feeding And Diet
My Sonoran desert tortoises don't eat much. [...]
Female Yangtze Giant Soft-Shell Turtle Discovered In Vietnamese Lake
Sixteen months after the last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) died at the Suzhou Zoo in China, a female of this critic [...]

Philippine Burrowing Snake Species Discovered In University Collection
A subterranean snake that was collected in the Philippines in 2006 and 2007 was misidentified in the field and spent more than 10 years in the Univers [...]
Baby Alligators Can Regrow Severed Tails, Study Says
A study published in Scientific Reports says that baby American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) can regenerate up to 18 inches of their tails [...]
Photographer’s 2021 Calendar To Benefit Global Snakebite Initiative, RFDS
Australian herp photographer Ross McGibbon announced that his 2021 reptile calendar will benefit the Global Snakebite Initiative and Royal Flying Doct [...]

Sonoran Desert Tortoise Under Consideration For ESA Protections, Again
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2015 decided against protecting the Sonoran desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai) under the Endangered Species Act [...]
Buffalo Zoo Wants Stolen Red-Footed Tortoise Returned
Someone stole the Buffalo Zoo's resident red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria), and the zoo is hoping that she will be returned safely. Red, as [...]
Glass Frogs Are Translucent As A Form Of Camouflage, Study Says
Their bodies are translucent to fool predators. [...]

Arkansas To No Longer Issue Permits To Breed, Sell And Import Five Python Species
You are still able to possess these snakes in the state, per local regulation. [...]

53-Year Old Tortoise Whose Owner Died of COVID19 Gets Adopted
Ms. Jennifer had celebrated her 53rd birthday when she was adopted. [...]

Malaysian Man Removes Sardine Can Stuck On Monitor Lizard's Nose
After four attempts the man was successful in removing the can from the lizard's nose. [...]

New Frog Species Discovered In Madagascar
The amphibian is known to exist in just three degraded forest patches. [...]

Argentine Black And White Tegus Found In Two Georgia Counties
Salvator merianae is established in Florida as well. [...]

New Species Of Micronesian Varanus Monitor Lizard Described
Varanus bennetti is native to Palau and the Mariana islands. [...]

Researchers See Steady But Still Troublesome Decline In Reptile Poaching In Pakistan
Poaching in the country is mostly undocumented and accurate data is difficult to acquire [...]

Who Flinches First In Frog And Snake Predator Prey Relationship?
It is a game of patience between predator and prey. [...]
Nature Conservancy In Florida Releases 22 Eastern Indigo Snakes
The Drymarchon couperi were captive bred in Florida [...]
Two-Headed Wolf Snake Caught On Video, Released Back Into Forest
The non-venomous wolf snake looks like the venomous common krait. [...]

Researchers Euthanize Northern Curly-Tailed Lizard With Massive Fecal Impaction
The female lizard was found in Cocoa Beach, FL with a visibly distended abdomen. [...]
Pet Corn Snake Mistakenly Released In Canada’s Pittock Conservation Area
The corn snake morph was inadvertently released into the wild. [...]

USFWS Again To Consider Dunes Sagebrush Lizard As Endangered Species
The lizard was once considered a candidate for ESA protections but a failed scheme put forth by the state of Texas has the USFWS again considering it. [...]