Reptile Substrates And Which Are Right For My Reptiles
Substrates provide a variety of benefits, including a bed for your animals to crawl around, sleep on and hide in. [...]
Aquatic Turtle Tank Water Changes Made Easy
With regular maintenance using this step-by-step guide, you can keep your turtles healthy and happy for years to come. [...]
Review: In Situ Ecosystems Amazonia Classic Terrarium
In just five years, In Situ Ecosystems has built and outfitted terrariums that are designed to enable you to easily create rainforest habitats. [...]
Zoo Med 18 x 18 x 24-inch Naturalistic Terrarium Review
This review chronicles a continuing effort to rehouse the animals under my care to updated enclosure designs. The overall process has been going well [...]
Water Anole Breathes Under Water With Aid Of Bubble To Escape Predators
Swierk notes that this interesting capability by the water anoles enables them to escape predators by diving into water and creating a bubble that ena [...]
ALERT: Bill to Add Herps and Fish to the Animal Welfare Act
This will add reptiles, amphibians, fish, and cephalopods “as animals” under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), meaning the USDA must develop new regulatio [...]
Inland Taipan Snake Information (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)
It is considered to the world’s most toxic snake based on the median lethal dose value (MLDV) in mice. [...]
Man Who Free Handles Venomous Snakes Fighting For Life After Inland Taipan Bite
Jeff Leibowitz is known for making social media videos of himself handling venomous snakes without any protection for himself. [...]
Chytrid Fungus May Have Chink In Its Armor
The researchers are currently studying how the BdDV-1 virus works, how it infects the fungus and how it gets into the cells of the fungus [...]
Pet Industry And Michigan University Researchers to Mitigate Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Spread In Amphibians
Researchers with Michigan State University and pet industry partners will work to study disease mitigation strategies that will hopefully minimize the [...]
Tail Amputation: Care After Surgery
A majority of amputations only need the tip or back quarter of the tail removed. [...]
Snake Fungal Disease Spreads In California
Snake fungal disease, a debilitating disease that causes a slow death in wild snakes has spread tom more locations in California and has impacted more [...]
The Importance Of Veterinarians In Reptile Keeping
Veterinarians are wonderful sources of knowledge for keepers. They can guide owners and breeders on proper biosecurity and quarantine practices, espec [...]
Applications Open For 2024 Association of Reptiles and Amphibian Veterinarians Grant
Each proposal submitted will be evaluated on scientific value, conservation relevance, and feasibility of proposal. ARAV members will be given priorit [...]
Reptile Medications
Whenever reptiles get sick, in addition to correcting husbandry and ensuring environmental parameters and diet are correct, they often need medication [...]
What To Do If Bit By A Rattlesnake
Treatment of Pitviper Envenomation in the Rural Southwestern U.S. runs June 23-24, 2023. [...]