Category: Lizard Care

4 Great Reptiles For New Keepers
We offer several of the most popular reptiles (and one amphibian) amongst keepers based on temperament, care, handling, and just pure joy of keeping. [...]
African Fat-Tailed Gecko Care And Natural History
The African fat-tailed gecko (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) is an inconspicuous species of lizard that is small in size, friendly, and hardy when cared f [...]
Insuring Your Bearded Dragon With Pet Insurance
If you’re passionate about taking that 10 to 15-year journey with your beardie, insure their health today! [...]
Study Says Leopard Geckos Prefer Bioactive Enclosures
We recommend that geckos are kept in enriched enclosures, ideally with naturalistic features. [...]
The Care And Breeding of Rhacodactylus leachianus
Giant geckos, Rhacodactylus leachianus, are the largest extant species of gecko in the world. Hailing from New Caledonia, giant geckos are well known [...]
Natural History, Breeding and Care for Panther Chameleons
Ensuring an ideal environment for panther chameleons in captivity has become significantly more manageable. [...]
Keeping and Breeding the Malaysian Cat Gecko
The Malaysian cat gecko (Aeluroscalabotes felinus) is a fascinating lesser known gecko species in the reptile community belonging to the sub-family Ae [...]
Ackie Monitor Information And Care
the Ackie monitor's small size compared to their larger cousins makes housing one more reasonable, and despite being small, they still possess the inn [...]
Zoo Med 18 x 18 x 24-inch Naturalistic Terrarium Review
This review chronicles a continuing effort to rehouse the animals under my care to updated enclosure designs. The overall process has been going well [...]

Captive Care For Leopard Geckos
Although they are often described as a beginner species, leopard geckos require specifically tailored care to keep them healthy and thriving. [...]
Keeping and Breeding the Tokay Gecko
Tokay geckos have many qualities that make them ideal candidates for your next scaly pet. They can be extremely hardy as long as a few fairly simple c [...]
The Toad Lady Gets A Kimberley Rock Monitor
If you lack the proper real estate for a water monitor or crocodile monitor, you should absolutely consider a Kimberley rock monitor. [...]
The Way of the Water Dragon
Chinese water dragons are incredible lizards that deserve more recognition within herpetoculture. [...]
Gut Loading Feeder Insects And Why It’s Important
There is a difference between feeding the insects for your reptile’s nutrition and feeding the insects for their nutrition. [...]

Creating the Perfect Habitat for Your Pet Chameleon
Having a pet chameleon can be a truly rewarding experience. But in order to ensure that your pet is living in the most comfortable and healthy environ [...]

Bearded Dragon Brain Mapped By University of Illinois Researchers
The bearded dragon is the most common lizard species treated by exotic veterinarians. [...]

4 Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Pet
Knowledge is the key when it comes to choosing food for your pet. [...]
4 Care Tips to Help Your Gecko Thrive
From beginning pet owners to experienced reptile keepers, geckos make great companions. [...]
Skunk Gecko Care Sheet
Gekko vittatus is an ideal species for the intermediate to advanced reptile keeper. [...]
Skunk Gecko History And Care
As skunk geckos are an arboreal species, you will want to choose an enclosure that has more height rather than width. [...]
3 Tips for Bearded Dragon Owners
Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets in the U.S. They’re fascinating, personable and make great companions. [...]
8 Of The Most Popular Geckos For Reptile Keepers
Geckos are some of the most beautiful lizards and these are widely captive-bred. [...]
5 Great Pet Lizards For Reptile Keepers
Provisions to keep these reptiles can be had at nearly every pet and reptile store, and the major manufacturers have enclosure bundles designed specif [...]
Keeping And Breeding Goniurosaurus Cave Geckos
For those who enjoy leopard and fat-tail geckos, Goniurosaurus offer an exciting new horizon. [...]