Category: Ask A Vet

1 2 3 7 24 / 168 POSTS
The Importance Of Veterinarians In Reptile Keeping

The Importance Of Veterinarians In Reptile Keeping

Veterinarians are wonderful sources of knowledge for keepers. They can guide owners and breeders on proper biosecurity and quarantine practices, espec [...]
Applications Open For 2024 Association of Reptiles and Amphibian Veterinarians Grant

Applications Open For 2024 Association of Reptiles and Amphibian Veterinarians Grant

Each proposal submitted will be evaluated on scientific value, conservation relevance, and feasibility of proposal. ARAV members will be given priorit [...]
Tail Amputation: Care After Surgery

Tail Amputation: Care After Surgery

A majority of amputations only need the tip or back quarter of the tail removed. [...]
Reptile Medications

Reptile Medications

Whenever reptiles get sick, in addition to correcting husbandry and ensuring environmental parameters and diet are correct, they often need medication [...]
What To Do If Bit By A Rattlesnake

What To Do If Bit By A Rattlesnake

Treatment of Pitviper Envenomation in the Rural Southwestern U.S. runs June 23-24, 2023. [...]
UC Davis Exotic Vets Remove Bladder Stone From 80-Year-Old Desert Tortoise

UC Davis Exotic Vets Remove Bladder Stone From 80-Year-Old Desert Tortoise

Tortie, a California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) who has grown up with the same family for more than 60 years recently underwent successful s [...]
Reptile Cloacal  Prolapse

Reptile Cloacal Prolapse

With how many major body systems are involved with the cloaca, it makes cloacal prolapses very difficult to assess fully, as cloacal prolapses are oft [...]
4 Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Pet

4 Tips for Choosing the Best Food for Your Pet

Knowledge is the key when it comes to choosing food for your pet. [...]
The Vet Report: Salmonella In Reptiles

The Vet Report: Salmonella In Reptiles

In the 1970s, red-eared sliders were so popular in the pet trade that they were actually raised in human sewage ponds —hence the source of the Salmone [...]
The Vet Report: Contrary To Popular Belief, Snakes Can Hear

The Vet Report: Contrary To Popular Belief, Snakes Can Hear

“Well, Mr. Jones, I have to disagree with you. Snakes do have internal ears, and they can hear.” [...]
The Vet Report: Puka, The Sea Turtle With A Hole

The Vet Report: Puka, The Sea Turtle With A Hole

When Puka came to the Turtle Hospital, the director at first wanted to euthanize her. My first thought was that I had to agree. A hole in a sea turtle [...]
Metabolic Bone Disease In Reptiles

Metabolic Bone Disease In Reptiles

MBD is not actually a single disease entity, it is a collection of medical disorders affecting the integrity and function of bones. [...]
Reptile Medicine Behind Bars At The Monroe County Sheriff’s Animal Farm

Reptile Medicine Behind Bars At The Monroe County Sheriff’s Animal Farm

The Monroe County Jail in Florida is home to a variety of animals, cared for by inmates. [...]
The Vet Report: Reptile Vomiting and Regurgitation

The Vet Report: Reptile Vomiting and Regurgitation

The two most common causes of vomiting or regurgitation in snakes are low-environmental temperature and handling the animal too soon after eating. [...]
The Vet Report: Don’t Diagnose Your Herps Via The Internet. Find A Good Reptile Vet

The Vet Report: Don’t Diagnose Your Herps Via The Internet. Find A Good Reptile Vet

Long-distance medicine is a reality, but it requires trained individuals on both ends of the cyber connection to collect all the data and formulate a [...]
Mites in Reptiles

Mites in Reptiles

Mites can be both a nuisance and a costly problem in any reptile collection. [...]
Dr. Douglas Mader Bids Farewell: Thank You REPTILES Readers

Dr. Douglas Mader Bids Farewell: Thank You REPTILES Readers

After 23 years answering over 350 questions in over 250 columns and writing numerous columns, Dr. Douglas Mader bids farewell. [...]
The Vet Report: Burns in Reptiles

The Vet Report: Burns in Reptiles

Thermal burns in reptiles are one of the most common injuries seen by herp veterinarians.The exact reason why reptiles seem so prone to burns is not u [...]
The Vet Report: A List of Common Internal Parasites in Reptiles

The Vet Report: A List of Common Internal Parasites in Reptiles

A parasite is any animal that lives on or within a second animal, and for the most part, parasites live in harmony with their hosts in the wild. They [...]
A Crocodilian Christmas

A Crocodilian Christmas

Years ago, I always liked to take the emergency shift during holidays so that my associate doctors could spend time with their families. At the time m [...]
The Vet Report: Working On Hot Herps

The Vet Report: Working On Hot Herps

I am frequently asked if I will perform veterinary work on “hot,” or venomous, species. The answer is yes. The “hot stuff” is [...]
1 2 3 7 24 / 168 POSTS