Author: John Virata

1 2 3 19 24 / 454 POSTS
New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described

New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described

Leptophis mystacinus sp. nov was collected in Brazil. The researchers compared the new species with 1,625 specimens of Leptophis spp. using extracted [...]
33 Endangered Darwin’s Frogs Born at London Zoo

33 Endangered Darwin’s Frogs Born at London Zoo

The frog, Rhinoderma darwinii, which is also known as the Southern Darwin's frog, was discovered by Charles Darwin during a trip to Chile. [...]
Study Says Leopard Geckos Prefer Bioactive Enclosures

Study Says Leopard Geckos Prefer Bioactive Enclosures

We recommend that geckos are kept in enriched enclosures, ideally with naturalistic features. [...]
Thousands of Tortoises Saved From Heavy Floods At Madagascar’s Lavavolo Tortoise Center

Thousands of Tortoises Saved From Heavy Floods At Madagascar’s Lavavolo Tortoise Center

The storm caused massive damage to the facility’s infrastructure, and endangered thousands of critically endangered Radiated Tortoises and Spider Tort [...]
Sulcata Tortoise Evacuated During SoCal Fires Goes Home

Sulcata Tortoise Evacuated During SoCal Fires Goes Home

“We were happy to give this tortoise a safe place to stay,” Pasadena Humane wrote in a video posted to its social media account. “And even happier to [...]
As Global Temperatures Rise, Lizards Have Harder Time Feeding And Foraging

As Global Temperatures Rise, Lizards Have Harder Time Feeding And Foraging

“Our study reveals that as deserts heat up, diurnal (day-active) lizards face a squeeze—needing more food while having less time to find it." [...]
Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes

Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes

They determined that the Eastern indigo snake sheds detectable DNA in the soil in which they traverse in less than two minutes, and that DNA is detect [...]
Two African House Snakes New To Science Described

Two African House Snakes New To Science Described

The Broadley’s African house snake (Boaedon broadleyi sp. nov.) is known to exist in four localities in Africa. Boaedon subniger can be found in North [...]
Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

In between the throngs of ball python, leopard and crested gecko vendors were a variety of otherwise overlooked species that definitely caught my eye. [...]
Elon the Stinkpot Musk Turtle Finds A Home after 1,579 Days

Elon the Stinkpot Musk Turtle Finds A Home after 1,579 Days

After all, Elon is a stinkpot turtle and when alarmed, lets out a musky stench of a smell, hence the name. [...]
Burt the Saltwater Croc of Crocodile Dundee Fame Dies At 90 Years Old

Burt the Saltwater Croc of Crocodile Dundee Fame Dies At 90 Years Old

We plan to honour Burt’s legacy with a commemorative sign at the attraction, celebrating his extraordinary life and the stories and interactions he sh [...]
New Jersey Politician Bitten By Rattlesnake At Family’s Zoo

New Jersey Politician Bitten By Rattlesnake At Family’s Zoo

Space, 56, has been feeding the snakes at his family's zoo since he was 12 years old and has never before been bitten. [...]
Sierra Nevada Yellow Legged Frog Can Persist In Bd Infected Areas

Sierra Nevada Yellow Legged Frog Can Persist In Bd Infected Areas

The researchers say the resistance they have observed in the frog may be due to natural selection for more resistant genotypes, acquired immunity and [...]
Japanese Monkeys Use Snake Scales To Detect Snakes Rapidly

Japanese Monkeys Use Snake Scales To Detect Snakes Rapidly

"The monkeys did not react faster to salamanders, a species that shares a similar elongated body and tail with snakes, until the images were changed t [...]
Texas Library Retires Rocksssanne The Ball Python Host After 25 Years

Texas Library Retires Rocksssanne The Ball Python Host After 25 Years

The library wanted a pet that would be conducive to the library but without things such as pet dander and other allergens. Rocksssanne fit the bill. [...]
Three New Oman Cliff Racer Species Described

Three New Oman Cliff Racer Species Described

The cliff racers had been studied in the late 1800s and into the mid-1900s, but have not been studied as of late and have not benefited from state of [...]
The Fisherman And the Frog Book Inspired By Viral Photo Posted to REPTILES Facebook Page

The Fisherman And the Frog Book Inspired By Viral Photo Posted to REPTILES Facebook Page

The book is based on Angus James' true to life story of capturing a jungle perch that had a live frog in its gullet. [...]
Sex Determination in African Clawed Frogs Discovered

Sex Determination in African Clawed Frogs Discovered

African clawed frogs are quite possibly the most studied amphibian. [...]
Thief Steals Ball Python From Pet Store Comes Back And Gets Arrested

Thief Steals Ball Python From Pet Store Comes Back And Gets Arrested

The stolen python was found at the alleged thief’s house and returned unharmed to Exotic ARC. [...]
Research Shows Ecological Factors That Shaped How Snake And Lizard Jaws Evolved

Research Shows Ecological Factors That Shaped How Snake And Lizard Jaws Evolved

The researchers found that the lower jaw of snakes and lizards are a major element in their ecological experimentation and adaptation that work togeth [...]
USARK ALERT Ashley, OH Ban On All Exotic Animals

USARK ALERT Ashley, OH Ban On All Exotic Animals

This would ban almost all animal species, including fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and any animal that is not native to Ohio [...]
Video: King Cobra Devours Smaller King Cobra In Singapore

Video: King Cobra Devours Smaller King Cobra In Singapore

The king cobra is known as a snake eater, hence the scientific name Ophiophagus (Greek for snake eating) and feeds almost exclusively on other snakes. [...]
Eastern Box Turtle Gets Her Shell Repaired With Horse Placenta

Eastern Box Turtle Gets Her Shell Repaired With Horse Placenta

The use of equine placenta speeds up the healing of her shell, enabling her to be released much sooner. [...]
1 2 3 19 24 / 454 POSTS