Category: Snake Breeding
Care And Breeding Of True Red-tailed Boa Constrictors In Captivity
With beautiful colors and markings, impressive musculature, and alluring behavior, true red-tailed boas (Boa constrictor constrictor, or “Bcc”) are on [...]
Memphis Zoo Hatches Louisiana Pine Snakes via Artificial Insemination/Frozen Semen
A total of 14 eggs from two artificially inseminated female pine snakes were laid, from the sperm of a single male [...]
Volunteers Needed To Virtually Track Eastern Indigo Snakes
Indigo Snake Watch, the project is aimed to improve the understanding into how reintroduced snakes in the wild move about in their new surroundings. [...]
41 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released Into Florida’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
These snakes were captive bred and hatched at the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens’ Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation. [...]
REPTA Announces Deleterious Genes Policy
The Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade Association in the United Kingdom has announced its Deleterious Genes Policy, a policy that implores its members in the [...]
Eastern Indigo Snake Hatchlings Found In Nature Conservancy’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
The discovery of two wild-born Eastern indigo snake hatchlings is very encouraging. It indicates we are successfully reestablishing the species where [...]
High School Students In Arkansas Hatch Out Four Louisiana Pine Snakes
The four snakes will remain on campus as they are not candidates for release into the wild. [...]
Researchers Hatch Out First Gene-Edited Corn Snake Using CRISPR-Cas9
The researchers determined that the scaleless phenotype is due to a recessive gene in the single locus variant, or sequence types that differ by one a [...]
Colombian Rainbow Boa Care And Breeding
Colombian rainbow boas are a fascinating species distinguished by their stunning iridescence and friendly demeanor. [...]
Bullsnake Care and Breeding Information
From their ease of care, to unmatched visual beauty, bull snakes are gratifying species to keep, beyond measure. [...]
19 Captive-Bred Eastern Indigo Snakes Released In Florida’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
The eastern Indigo snakes hatched in 2021. The 10 males and nine females were raised for a year at the Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation (OCIC). [...]

Two-Headed Snake Born In Australia Euthanized
A two-headed carpet python (Morelia sp) that hatched this week in Australia has been euthanized after an examination by a veterinarian at the The Unus [...]
26 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released In Northern Florida
Eastern indigo snakes are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. [...]

Eastern Indigo Snake Found In Alabama Wild For Second Time In 60 Years
The Eastern indigo hatchling found last week, and the first found in 2020, indicates the captive breeding and release efforts are having success. [...]
Ball Python History, Care And Breeding
The ball python (Python regius) goes by many names, but perhaps the most accurate of all is “favorite.” [...]

Trial in Murder of Snake Breeder Begins Today
Opening statements began today in the trial of Lynlee Renick, the wife of renowned snake breeder Ben Renick, who was shot and killed in June 2017 on h [...]
Snakes Resort To Inbreeding As Habitats Become Fragmented And Cut Off
A new paper out of Australia shows the dire consequences of habitat fragmentation and urbanization, as snakes that are cut off in their ecosystems ten [...]
Chester Zoo Successfully Hatches Orthriophis moellendorffi Rat Snakes
The Chester Zoo in the United Kingdom last week posted video onto social media of the first Moellendorff's rat snakes (Orthriophis moellendorffi) the [...]
Drink A Beer And Save A Pine Snake
If you are of legal drinking age and live in the Memphis, TN area, head on over to the Memphis Zoo and drink a beer to help the zoo’s conservation eff [...]
Oldest Known Snake In A Zoo Lays Eggs Without Aid Of Male Snake
A 50-year-old ball python (Python regius) living in the Saint Louis Zoo has laid eggs, but hasn’t been with a male ball python in more than 15 years, [...]
Nature Conservancy In Florida Releases 22 Eastern Indigo Snakes
The Drymarchon couperi were captive bred in Florida [...]

Eastern Indigo Snakes Breeding On Their Own In Alabama
Researchers with Auburn University captured a young, 27-inch eastern indigo snake believed to be the offspring of captive bred specimens. [...]

Trademark Exotics and Piebald Ball Pythons
Ball Pythons
Once imported by the thousands from Africa, Ball Pythons (Python Regius) are now widely available in captivity from breeders. Whi [...]

Video: Boa Constrictor Born With Two Heads, Two Hearts
Snake breeder in Florida showcased on Nat Geo vet show. [...]