One reason Oxybelis inkaterra may have not been observed in Bolivia previously may be due to its mimicry with their environment. [...]
Eastern Indigo Snake Care Sheet
While they may require more maintenance and investment, Eastern indigos are one of the most intelligent and rewarding snake species a passionate herpe [...]
Colombian Rainbow Boa Care And Breeding
Colombian rainbow boas are a fascinating species distinguished by their stunning iridescence and friendly demeanor. [...]
Zen Habitats Meridian 4’ x 2’ x 4’ PVC Enclosure Review
The Zen Habitats Meridian enclosure came essentially pre-built. [...]
Rosy Boa Care Sheet
The rosy boa is one of two boa constrictors native to the United States, the other being the rubber boa [...]
Memphis Zoo Hatches Louisiana Pine Snakes Artificial Insemination/Frozen Semen
A total of 14 eggs from two artificially inseminated female pine snakes were laid, from the sperm of a single male [...]
Volunteers Needed To Virtually Track Eastern Indigo Snakes
Indigo Snake Watch, the project is aimed to improve the understanding into how reintroduced snakes in the wild move about in their new surroundings. [...]
41 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released Into Florida’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
These snakes were captive bred and hatched at the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens’ Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation. [...]
REPTA Announces Deleterious Genes Policy
The Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade Association in the United Kingdom has announced its Deleterious Genes Policy, a policy that implores its members in the [...]
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Survives Getting Swallowed By Eastern Indigo Snake
At first glance, Moore believed that both snakes were dead, but upon closer inspection, Moore noticed that the rattlesnake's tail twitched [...]
Invasive Brown Tree Snakes On Guam Killing Birds Too Large To Swallow
The brown tree snake has caused all sorts of problems on Guam. In addition to effectively changing that island’s ecology, the snake has caused power f [...]
New Venomous Snake Species Discovered In Vietnam
The venomous snake was discovered in low to mid elevation areas of central and southern Vietnam. [...]
Indonesian Mother Eaten By 16-Foot Reticulated Python
This marks the fourth time since 2017 that a human was consumed by a python in Indonesia. [...]
ALERT: Bill to Add Herps and Fish to the Animal Welfare Act
This will add reptiles, amphibians, fish, and cephalopods “as animals” under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), meaning the USDA must develop new regulatio [...]
Inland Taipan Snake Information (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)
It is considered to the world’s most toxic snake based on the median lethal dose value (MLDV) in mice. [...]
Man Who Free Handles Venomous Snakes Fighting For Life After Inland Taipan Bite
Jeff Leibowitz is known for making social media videos of himself handling venomous snakes without any protection for himself. [...]
Location to Take Ball Python’s Pulse Found
Ball pythons have a median heart rate and median pulse rate of 60 beats per minute. [...]
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