Microzemiotes sonselaensis represents the third Late Triassic reptile species that possibly used envenomation in either feeding or defensive strategie [...]
Insuring Your Bearded Dragon With Pet Insurance
If you’re passionate about taking that 10 to 15-year journey with your beardie, insure their health today! [...]
Study Says Leopard Geckos Prefer Bioactive Enclosures
We recommend that geckos are kept in enriched enclosures, ideally with naturalistic features. [...]
The Care And Breeding of Rhacodactylus leachianus
Giant geckos, Rhacodactylus leachianus, are the largest extant species of gecko in the world. Hailing from New Caledonia, giant geckos are well known [...]
Natural History, Breeding and Care for Panther Chameleons
Ensuring an ideal environment for panther chameleons in captivity has become significantly more manageable. [...]
617 Texas Horned Lizards Released By Fort Worth Zoo In 2024
The release is part of an efforts with the zoo’s Texas horned lizard conservation program, the texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and other zoo part [...]
50 Juvenile Texas Horned Lizards Released By San Antonio Zoo and Zoo Miami
The Texas horned lizards were approximate 2.5 to 3.5 months old at the time of the release and weighed between 3.4 and 12 grams. [...]
Keeping and Breeding the Malaysian Cat Gecko
The Malaysian cat gecko (Aeluroscalabotes felinus) is a fascinating lesser known gecko species in the reptile community belonging to the sub-family Ae [...]
Caldwell Zoo In Texas Announces New Texas Horned Lizard Hatch
These lizards are an important part of the ecosystem and really, a cherished part of Texas lore. [...]
Is the Dixon’s Whiptail Lizard a Full Species or Subspecies of Common Checkered Whiptail?
Biologists at the university will sample the DNA of both lizards and if they are proven to be different genetically, the Dixon’s whiptail might be eli [...]
Decline In Florida’s Brown Anole Could See Rise in Mosquito-Borne illness
When a mosquito bites a brown anole, it doesn't bite a bird, mammal or human. [...]
Australia’s Heath Goanna Could Help Sheep Farmers Save Millions of Dollars
Sheep farmers in Australia could benefit as the monitor lizards serve as clean up crews eating dead animal matter. [...]
Two Gecko Species of the Genus Cnemaspis Discovered In India’s Northern Western Ghats
Cnemaspis are a genus of day geckos from Asia. They are among the most diverse genera of geckos with more than 100 species. [...]
USARK ALERT: South Carolina Venomous Reptiles Ban
Current owners can get permits and must register their animals within 90 days of the effective date. [...]
As Global Temperatures Rise, Lizards Have Harder Time Feeding And Foraging
“Our study reveals that as deserts heat up, diurnal (day-active) lizards face a squeeze—needing more food while having less time to find it." [...]
USARK Alert: Proposed Ban On All Exotic Animals in Ashley, OH
Bans all species “foreign and not native to the local area” and all species “not normally domesticated.”
Creates a pet limit that allows no more than [...]
USARK ALERT Ashley, OH Ban On All Exotic Animals
This would ban almost all animal species, including fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and any animal that is not native to Ohio [...]
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