Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

1 2 3 4 18 48 / 428 POSTS
New Odorous Frog Species Discovered in China

New Odorous Frog Species Discovered in China

The proposed English name of the frog is the Leishan Odorous frog Odorrana leishanensis sp. nov [...]
New Fanged Frog Species Discovered in Indonesia

New Fanged Frog Species Discovered in Indonesia

The frog, Limnonectes phyllofolia sp. nov. has a unique reproductive strategy in which the male of the species guards the egg clutches. [...]
Pet Industry And Michigan University Researchers to Mitigate Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Spread In Amphibians

Pet Industry And Michigan University Researchers to Mitigate Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Spread In Amphibians

Researchers with Michigan State University and pet industry partners will work to study disease mitigation strategies that will hopefully minimize the [...]
Frogs Evolved Millions Of Years Later Than Previously Thought

Frogs Evolved Millions Of Years Later Than Previously Thought

The researchers created the model using hundreds of genetic markers of 5,242 frog species, and based on that data, has shifted the date in which frogs [...]
Study Suggests Frogs Of The Genus Eleutherodactylus Migrated Over Water From Caribbean to Florida

Study Suggests Frogs Of The Genus Eleutherodactylus Migrated Over Water From Caribbean to Florida

Florida retains the most complete fossil record of anurans from North America that extends from the Oligocene to the Pleistocene eras, researchers say [...]
Oregon State University Gives Large Herp Collection To University of Michigan

Oregon State University Gives Large Herp Collection To University of Michigan

Most of the Oregon State University specimens belong to two groups of snakes; garter snakes and water snakes; and two groups of salamanders comprised [...]
Josh’s Frogs Accepting Applications For Amphibian Grant Program

Josh’s Frogs Accepting Applications For Amphibian Grant Program

The public will be invited to participate in the grant program via public vote after seven grant recipients are selected. [...]
World’s Amphibians Most Threatened Vertebrate Class, Study Says

World’s Amphibians Most Threatened Vertebrate Class, Study Says

Since 1980, 37 amphibian species have gone extinct, with the most recent extinctions being the the Chiriqui harlequin frog and the sharp snouted day f [...]
NARBC Arlington and CITES Amphibian Trade Review

NARBC Arlington and CITES Amphibian Trade Review

When a nonnative species is listed under ESA, even domestically born and bred animals can no longer be sold in interstate commerce by private breeders [...]
Updates to Endangered Species Act, Lacey Act Amendments

Updates to Endangered Species Act, Lacey Act Amendments

Phil and Garrett discuss the potential additions to the Endangered Species Act, as well as the ever-threatening Lacey Act Amendments [...]
New Species Of Ancient Giant Amphibian Discovered In Australia

New Species Of Ancient Giant Amphibian Discovered In Australia

The amphibian is believed to have inhabited freshwater rivers in the Sydney Basin 240 million years ago during the Triassic period. [...]
Caecilians Have Developed Resistance to Neurotoxic Elapid Snake Venoms

Caecilians Have Developed Resistance to Neurotoxic Elapid Snake Venoms

The research is a textbook example of how predatory pressure on the caecilians caused an evolutionary cascade to resist snake venom. [...]
New Spiny-backed Treefrog Species Discovered In Peru

New Spiny-backed Treefrog Species Discovered In Peru

Osteocephalus vasquezi features dark irises and tuberculate dorsal skin, which is brown in coloration. [...]
Climate Change To Kill Off More Than 800 Herp Species During Next 100 Years, Study Says

Climate Change To Kill Off More Than 800 Herp Species During Next 100 Years, Study Says

Data from 14,000 amphibian and reptile species was compiled, which is around 70 percent of all known herp species. [...]
New Stefania Genus Frog Species Described

New Stefania Genus Frog Species Described

This particular frog carries its eggs on the back, and once hatched, the froglets remain on the back for a period of time. [...]
New Treefrog Species Of the Genus Scinax Discovered In Peru

New Treefrog Species Of the Genus Scinax Discovered In Peru

The frog, Scinax pyroinguinis sp. nov. was described from two males that were found in the Amazon rainforest. [...]
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida Wants to Amend Lacey Act, Again

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida Wants to Amend Lacey Act, Again

The bill creates a “white list” of species that can be imported. This means that any animal that is not on the white list is by default treated as pot [...]
Australia Snake Catcher Records Keelback Snake Dining on Invasive Cane Toad

Australia Snake Catcher Records Keelback Snake Dining on Invasive Cane Toad

Hudson Snake Catching-Gold Coast Snake Catcher in Australia captured some pretty cool footage of a keelback snake feeding on an invasive cane toad (Rh [...]
Dominic, Akron Zoo’s Mountain Chicken Frog Dies at 18 Years 10 Months

Dominic, Akron Zoo’s Mountain Chicken Frog Dies at 18 Years 10 Months

It s estimated that there are less than 50 mountain chicken frogs left in the wild. [...]
5 New Papua New Guinea Treefrog Species Described

5 New Papua New Guinea Treefrog Species Described

The five described species are Litoria daraiensis, Litoria gracilis, Litoria haematogaster, Litoria lisae and Litoria naispela. [...]
Ormat Technologies Sues USFWS Over Dixie Valley Toad Listing

Ormat Technologies Sues USFWS Over Dixie Valley Toad Listing

The toad is the smallest toad within the western toad species complex and was only recently described by science in 2017 [...]
Hellbender Salamanders Found In Creek Near East Palestine Train Derailment

Hellbender Salamanders Found In Creek Near East Palestine Train Derailment

The findings of these two salamanders was called a "positive discovery" by the state as Hellbender salamanders can only thrive in cool, clean water. [...]
<em>Hyloscirtus tolkieni</em>, A New Stream Frog Species Named After J.R.R. Tolkien

Hyloscirtus tolkieni, A New Stream Frog Species Named After J.R.R. Tolkien

A new species of stream frog from the Ecuadorian Andes has been named after J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The fr [...]
1 2 3 4 18 48 / 428 POSTS