Author: John Virata
Zoos Victoria Raises 15 Giant Burrowing Frog Tadpoles To Froglet Stage
Zoos Victoria has announced that 15 of 100 giant burrowing frog (Heleioporus australiacus) tadpoles have grown legs and have metamorphosed, a first fo [...]

Exo Terra Donates $5,000 To Help Conservation Efforts Of Oregon Spotted Frog
Exo Terra announced it has donated $5,000 to Wildlife Preservation Canada in an effort to help WPC’s conservation efforts to save the Oregon spotted f [...]
Northern Leopard Frogs Released Into Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge
Hundreds of northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) were released back into the wild in Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge as part of an eff [...]
Two European Glass Lizards Hatch At Smithsonian’s National Zoo
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo announced that its resident European glass lizard (Pseudopus apodus) pair, which were hatchlings themselves in 1996, we [...]

Zoo Med Labs: Inside the ReptiSun UVB/LED Lighting Solution
Zoo Med Labs, which developed the first UVB lighting solution for reptiles in the early 1990s has pushed the envelope once again with the introduction [...]

Study Highlights Marine Plastic Ingestion In Sea Turtles
A 2018 study found that micro plastics and what is now called marine plastics have been found in all seven marine turtle species. That study looked at [...]

Gopher Tortoise Painted Pink, Florida FWC Seeking Culprit
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is actively seeking any information leading to the arrest and conviction of perpetrators who pai [...]

2021 Florida Python Challenge Nets 223 Snakes
The 2021 Florida Python Challenge saw hunters remove 223 of the invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) from south Florida during the 10- [...]

Houston Zoo Hatches Four Painted Terrapins
The Houston Zoo announced last week that it has successfully hatched four painted terrapin turtles (Batagur borneoensis), the first time the zoo has h [...]
Scientist Hatches Turtles From Eggs Of Road-killed Mama Turtle
A scientist in Ann Arbor, MI was driving home in early June 2021, and pulled over to help a turtle cross the road when upon going to retrieve the rept [...]
Rough-nosed Horned Lizards Separated Into Four Distinct Groups
The rough-nosed horned lizard (Ceratophora aspera), a species that lives in the Southwestern rainforests of Sri Lanka, are, through genetic testing an [...]

Snakes Tagged In Japan To Measure Radioactivity In Fukushima
Scientists in Japan have outfitted nine Japanese rat snakes (Elaphe climacophora and E. quadrivirgata) with tracking devices with dosimeters, radiatio [...]

Researchers Record First Instance of So-Called Penis Snake In Florida
The name is certainly peculiar, but the so-called penis snake is actually a caecilian and it was recorded living in Florida’s Miami-Date County in Oct [...]
Eight Pet Snakes Recovered From Washington Park
Someone apparently released eight large constricting snakes into a park in Washington State. The snakes, two of which are Boa constrictors, and one a [...]

Crested Geckos Have Sticky Tail Pads That Can Support 5X Their Mass, Study Says
Geckos are known for their sticky toe pads. In fact, researchers have studied the stickiness of toe pads of geckos and have found that some species ca [...]
Aussie Vet Sews Up Hole On Tiny Treefrog
A veterinarian in Australia performed a successful surgery on a green tree frog that had a hole in its chest. Brisbane veterinarian Dr. Meaghan Barrow [...]

Snake Venom-Derived Super Glue Stops Bleeding In Seconds
A blood clotting enzyme called reptilase or batroxobin to create a glue that is so strong in its properties that it can stop bleeding in mere seconds. [...]
Australia Face Challenges Due To Poaching Of Shingleback Skinks
A new report from the University of Adelaide and the Monitor Conservation Research Society has found that all four species of the shingleback skink (T [...]

USFWS Sued For Not Listing Eastern Hellbender Salamander As Endangered Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was sued July 1 by the Waterkeeper Alliance and others for its decision against listing the Eastern hellbender sala [...]

Lizards From Different Parts Of World Evolved With Same Communication Skills
Two different lizard species, the Anolis lizards of the Caribbean and the Draco lizards of Southeast Asia learned the same skills in spite of being to [...]
Aussie Trucker Pulls Over To Move Python Off The Road
The black-headed python grows to between five and 10 feet in length and can live 20 to 30 years. They are also widely captive bred. [...]

Florida Man Buys Land To Help Save Local Gopher Tortoise Population
A man on Marco Island in Florida has acquired a vacant plot of land next to his home to ensure that the gopher tortoises that live on the plot are ens [...]

California Red-Legged Frogs Breeding In Two SoCal Locations
Populations of the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii), a threatened species and the official state frog of the Golden State, were bolstered w [...]
Spitting Cobra Escapes In Raleigh, NC
A venomous snake identified by the Raleigh, NC police department as a zebra (Naja nigricincta) spitting cobra, has been reported missing from a keeper [...]