Category: Frog & Amphibian Breeding

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Video: 51 Captive-Bred Mountain Chicken Frogs Released On Montserrat Island

Video: 51 Captive-Bred Mountain Chicken Frogs Released On Montserrat Island

From just two female frogs, the herpetologists were able to raise 76 frogs, 51 of which were released back onto Montserrat this week. [...]
Breeding Blue-back Reed Frogs

Breeding Blue-back Reed Frogs

Brilliant and blue, Heterixalus madagascariensis is a frog worth breeding. [...]
Breeding Amazon Milk Frogs

Breeding Amazon Milk Frogs

Secrets to captive propagation of Trachycephalus resinifictrix [...]
How To Breed Tiger-Leg Monkey Frogs In Captivity

How To Breed Tiger-Leg Monkey Frogs In Captivity

Breeding Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis is not difficult as long as you follow these tips. [...]
Breeding Warty Newts

Breeding Warty Newts

Secrets to breeding the cryptic warty newt. [...]
Scientists Build Robotic Sex Frog To Attract Female Tungara Frogs

Scientists Build Robotic Sex Frog To Attract Female Tungara Frogs

University of Texas and Salisbury University biologists detail how complex traits of túngara frog could emerge from simpler traits. [...]
Male Orange-eyed Treefrogs Trill To Other Males During Mating Season

Male Orange-eyed Treefrogs Trill To Other Males During Mating Season

Unlike most other frogs that call out to females, Litoria chloris calls out males. [...]
Breeding Red-Eyed Treefrogs: Tips and Tricks

Breeding Red-Eyed Treefrogs: Tips and Tricks

Bonus content from the August 2011 REPTILES magazine article "Ready for Red-Eyes?" [...]
Breeding Oriental Fire-Bellied Toads

Breeding Oriental Fire-Bellied Toads

Bombina orientalis is one of the easiest frogs to breed in captivity. [...]
Breeding Fire Salamanders

Breeding Fire Salamanders

Fire salamanders are possibly the easiest of all salamanders to breed in captivity. [...]
Crocodile Newts Tylototriton Breeding

Crocodile Newts Tylototriton Breeding

The genus Tylototriton currently contains eight species of salamanders native to China. [...]
Fire-Bellied Newt Life Cycle

Fire-Bellied Newt Life Cycle

Bonus content from the March 2010 REPTILES magazine article "The Newt Report." [...]
Clown Treefrog Care And Breeding

Clown Treefrog Care And Breeding

Techniques for keeping and breeding clown treefrogs (Dendropsophus leucophyllatus, formerly Hyla leucophyllata). [...]
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