Category: Wild Frogs & Amphibians
Researchers Discover Australian Barred Frog Species In New South Wales
Mixophyes australis is closely related to Mixophyes balbus, the Stuttering Frog [...]
Ormat Technologies Sues USFWS Over Dixie Valley Toad Listing
The toad is the smallest toad within the western toad species complex and was only recently described by science in 2017 [...]

New Leptobrachella Frog Species Discovered In China
Leptobrachella verrucosa is found in rocky streams with clear water surrounded by broad-leaved forests. [...]

Cane Toad Tadpoles In Australia Cannibalize Younger Tadpoles
Researchers in Australia have discovered an interesting trait in invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) tadpoles in Australia not seen in their native S [...]
80 Frogs Rescued And Treated From Oil Spill In Santa Barbara, CA
An oil seepage in Santa Barbara, California’s Toro Canyon Creek has caused more than 80 Baja California and California treefrogs and one western fence [...]

Australia’s White-bellied Frog At Greatest Risk Of Extinction
The white-bellied frog (Geocrinia alba) has joined 25 other frog species in Australia on that country’s list of species at greatest risk of extinction [...]
USFWS Sets Aside 1315 Acres In Texas For Two Salamander Species
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has designated more than 1,300 acres of critical habitat near Austin, TX for the Georgetown (Eurycea nauf [...]
29 Captive Raised Hellbender Salamanders Released In Tennessee
The Nashville Zoo, in partnership with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency & Tennessee State University, last month released 29 zoo raised eas [...]

Exo Terra Donates $5,000 To Help Conservation Efforts Of Oregon Spotted Frog
Exo Terra announced it has donated $5,000 to Wildlife Preservation Canada in an effort to help WPC’s conservation efforts to save the Oregon spotted f [...]
Northern Leopard Frogs Released Into Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge
Hundreds of northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) were released back into the wild in Washington’s Columbia National Wildlife Refuge as part of an eff [...]

USFWS Sued For Not Listing Eastern Hellbender Salamander As Endangered Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was sued July 1 by the Waterkeeper Alliance and others for its decision against listing the Eastern hellbender sala [...]

California Red-Legged Frogs Breeding In Two SoCal Locations
Populations of the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii), a threatened species and the official state frog of the Golden State, were bolstered w [...]

Severe Perkinsea Infection Detected In Panama and UK Tadpoles
Researchers studying an emerging disease that is killing tadpoles in North America have found instances of the disease in tadpoles in Panama and the U [...]

Neuse River Waterdog Salamander Listed As Threatened Under Endangered Species Act
After more than a decade of petitions and lawsuits, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has protected the Neuse River waterdog salamander under the En [...]

Poison Frog Poison Defense Differs Based on Prey Location/Consumption
Poison frogs of the family Dendrobatidae get their poison from the leaf litter ants and mites that they eat. They aren’t born poisonous. Researchers w [...]

San Francisco Garter Snake Gets Protections In San Mateo County, CA
The San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia), a subspecies of Thamnophis sirtalis that is only known to exist on the San Francisco [...]
Hunters Found A Giant Webbed Frog And It Is One Massive Amphibian
If you haven’t seen a Solomon Islands giant webbed frog (Cornufer guppyi), you have got to see this beast of a frog. In April, pig hunters in the Solo [...]

USFWS Denies Protections For 3 Salamander Species Impacted By California Dam Project
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has denied protections for the Samwel salamander (Hydromantes samweli), Shasta salamander, (H. shastae), a [...]

The Return of Red-Legged Frogs to Southern California
The effort to return California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii) to Southern California, which has been ongoing by Robert Fisher from the U.S. Geolog [...]
More Than 700 One-Year-Old Wyoming Toads Released Into The Wild
The Wyoming toad, (Bufo baxteri) thought to have gone extinct in the wild in 1985, has made tremendous strides since a captive breeding effort began a [...]

Puerto Rico’s Coquí Frog Is Oldest Frog In Caribbean
The fossil was found by Jorge Velez-Juarbe, associate curator of marine mammals at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. [...]

Chytrid Fungus That’s Killing Off Amphibians Causing Tropical Snake Species Collapse
The loss of amphibians is having a negative cascade effect up and down the food web. [...]
Southern Corroboree Frog Breeding Program Suffers Setback Due To Australian Fires
Thirty to 40 percent of the frogs in the program survived the fires. [...]

New Tibertan Frog Species, Liurana vallecula, Discovered And Described
Liurana vallecula, has a snout-to-vent length of 20.4 mm, a reddish brown body coloration with dark brown streaks and a marbled pattern on the top of [...]