Category: Lizard Information & News

Puerto Rico Offers Incentives For Iguana Hunters
Commonwealth is hoping that hunters will capture iguanas and export the meat to other countries. [...]

MSU Professor's Reptile Book Published 8 Years After His Death
"The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan" published by Wayne State University Press. [...]
Dino The Nile Monitor Still On The Loose In Woodland Park, Colorado
This marks the second escape of this particular Varanus niloticus [...]

New Reptile Walk Opens At San Diego Zoo
More than 50 species on display at Reptile Walk, including two critically endangered female Chinese alligators. [...]

Captured Philippine Saltwater Crocodile Is Largest In Captivity
The massive Crocodylus porosus captured last year measures more than 20 feet long and weighs more than one ton. [...]

Proboscis Anole Rediscovered In Ecuador
Camouflage could be reason why Anolis proboscis hasn't been seen in the wild since the 1960s. [...]

Five Smuggled Sailfin Dragons Returned To The Philippines
Hong Kong officials convict man of smuggling, return lizards and 31 turtles. [...]

280 Million Year Old Reptilian Embryos Unearthed
Oldest known fossil embryos found in South America. [...]

New LAIR At Los Angeles Zoo Features Herps And Invertebrates From Around The World
Five years in the making, the Living Amphibians, Invertebrates, and Reptiles exhibit has more than 60 species. [...]

USFWS Reopens Public Comment On Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Comment on Sceloporus graciosus arenicolus to close March 12, 2012 [...]

Scientists Develop A Powerful New Adhesive Inspired By Gecko’s Feet
Scientists invent ‘Geckskin’, a device capable of holding 700 pounds on a smooth wall. [...]

Other Phelsuma Worth Knowing
Bonus content from the April 2012 REPTILES magazine article "A Celebrity Lizard Exposed." [...]
Desert Iguana References
Desert Iguana References [...]

Cooperative Lizard Living
The first known case of cooperative lizard living reported by Australian researchers. [...]

Why Some Lizards Can Pull A Wheelie
Why do some lizard species run on two legs, not four? [...]

NYC's Most Famous Iguana Dies At 19
Elizabeth the Iguana was equally at ease with children as well as celebrities and politicians. [...]

Memphis Zoo Welcomes Baby Komodo Dragon
Hatched in October, the baby lizard weighed just 99 grams at birth. [...]
October 2009 Editor’s Note
Reasons why bearded dragons are super popular pets [...]

Leopard Gecko CT Scan
Leopard gecko is saved by CT scan. [...]

The Lizard King Book: Bryan Christy Interview
Bryan Christy discusses his book The Lizard King. [...]

The Lizard King Book: Mike Van Nostrand Interview
Mike Van Nostrand discusses The Lizard King book. [...]

The Lizard Chronicles
A REPTILES cartoon strip. [...]
Lizard Disease Bacteria
Serious disease in pet lizards caused by new bacteria. [...]

New Gecko Exhibit
Geckos- Tails to Toepads Reaches Completion [...]