Category: Amphibians
Most Poison Frogs In Herp Keeping Are Captive-Bred, Study Says
The poaching and overharvesting of these wild caught frogs can have severe negative impacts on the wild populations as well as the genetic diversity o [...]
Microhylid Frog Species Discovered in Peru
Synapturanus danta sp. nov., or tapir frog, is a burrower and was found underneath roots of the Clusia sp. tree. [...]
Chytrid Fungus More Prevalent In Baja CA Red-Legged Frogs Than In Southern CA Frogs
In addition to the red-legged frogs, the researchers also found that the Western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) had the highest Bd load of all the amphibian s [...]
Frosted Flatwoods Salamander Bred In Captivity For First Time
This marks the first time the species has been bred in captivity. [...]
Researchers Name a Tiny Rainfrog After Activist Greta Thunberg
The frog, named Greta Thunberg’s rainfrogs (Pristimantis gretathunbergae) is tiny, at about 3 to 4 centimeters in length. [...]
USFWS Proposes Protections For Several Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Populations
The foothill yellow-legged frog is known for the yellow coloration under their legs. [...]
More than 1,000 Hellbenders Hatched This Fall At St. Louis Zoo
Of the 1,333 hatchlings, 583 came from eggs brought to the facility by the Missouri Department of Conservation. [...]
Frogs And Toads Age Faster In Warm Climates, Study Says
The researchers believe that the warmer temperatures will also negatively affect other cold-blooded species. [...]
Caring For The African Dwarf Frog
When people hear the word frog, they picture a giant green frog with bulgy eyes hopping through the grass. Or perhaps perched upon a tree branch croak [...]
Five Great Beginner Pet Frogs
Frogs (and toads) are often the very first herp that keepers interact with. Mine were toads that I caught in the neighborhood canal near my school. We [...]
Poison Frogs: How Dangerous?
Wild poison frogs are poisonous due to the insects they eat. [...]
Breeding The Bumblebee Dart Frog
Dendrobates leucomelas is considered easy to breed, although the species will never be as fecund as many other common species of dart frogs. [...]
White’s Treefrog Care Sheet
White's treefrog is also known as the dumpy frog and Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea). [...]
Golden Poison Dart Frog Care Sheet
Care sheet for the Golden Poison Dart Frog (Phyllobates terribilis). [...]
Amazon Milk Frog Care Sheet
Also known as the Amazonian milk frog or panda bear tree frog due to the contrasting black and white coloration of juveniles, Trachycephalus resinific [...]
Northern Leopard Frog Care Sheet
Northern leopard frog (Rana/Lithobates pipiens)
The Northern leopard frog (Rana/Lithobates pipiens) is a very colorful frog, and is surprisingly ea [...]
Japanese Fire-Bellied Newt Care Sheet
Japanese fire-bellies are easier to acquire as captive bred offspring from other hobbyists. [...]
Warty Newt Care Sheet
With proper care, warty newts can live 10 years or more. [...]
Tiger-leg Monkey Frog Care Sheet
Native to the Amazon Rainforest, the tiger-leg monkey frog (Phyllomedusa tomopterna) is an attractive and interesting amphibian to keep in captivity [...]
Poison Frogs Of The Genus Mantella
How to identify and care for mantella frogs. [...]
Tomato Frog Care Sheet
Expert Care for the Tomato Frog (Dyscophus guineti). [...]
Tiger Salamander Care Sheet
Tips on caring for and keeping the tiger salamander [...]
Poison Dart Frog Care Sheet
Care sheet for the poison dart frog (Dendrobates spp.). [...]
Fire Salamander Care Sheet
Care sheet for the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra ssp.) [...]