Author: John Virata
Escaped Rat Snake Found In Junk Drawer
The staff at the center looked high and low, to no avail until yesterday when the snake was found in the center's hardware drawer. [...]
Researchers Document Male Montpellier Snakes Eating Females
The Montpellier snake is a mildly venomous, rear-fanged snake. [...]
10 Komodo Dragons Hatch at San Antonio Zoo
Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world and are native to Indonesia. [...]
CA’s Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard Gets Federal And State Support For Recovery
Local and state agencies with the state of California as well as the federal government have announced a joint conservation effort to recover the blun [...]
New Western Himalayas Snake Species Discovered Via Instagram Post
A master’s degree student at India’s Guru Nanak Dev University (Amritsar) spent much of 2020 uploading photos to Instagram of reptiles and amphibians [...]
Snakes Resort To Inbreeding As Habitats Become Fragmented And Cut Off
A new paper out of Australia shows the dire consequences of habitat fragmentation and urbanization, as snakes that are cut off in their ecosystems ten [...]

Florida’s Sunken Gardens Alligator Snapping Turtle, Mac, Passes Away
Mac, the popular alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) that has greeted visitors for more than 50 years at the Sunken Gardens in St. Pete [...]
New Gecko Species Named After Hong Kong Movie Star Jackie Chan
Researchers have discovered a new gecko species that is so agile it was named after action star Jackie Chan.
Jackie’s day gecko (Cnemaspis jackieii [...]
Narrow-Headed Garter Snake Gets 447 miles of Protected Stream Habitat
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced the protection of 447 miles of streams in Arizona and New Mexico for the narrow-headed garter snake ( [...]

15 Galapagos Tortoises Slaughtered On Isabela Island
The Galapagos Conservancy has reported that 15 giant Galapagos tortoises were slaughtered in the wild on Isabela Island earlier this month. According [...]
More Than 90 Rattlesnakes Rescued From Under Woman’s House In California
A woman in Sonoma County California called the Sonoma County Reptile Rescue with a bit of a dilemma. More than 90 rattlesnakes had taken refuge undern [...]
Researchers Regenerate Near Perfect Lizard Tails Using Stem Cells
Researchers at the University of Southern California have successfully used stem cells to regenerate a more functioning tail in lizards after tail los [...]
Two-headed Diamondback Terrapin Hatchling Doing Well At MA’s Cape Wildlife Center
A two-headed diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) that hatched in a head start nesting site in Barnstable, MA is doing well at the Cape Wildlife [...]
Chester Zoo Successfully Hatches Orthriophis moellendorffi Rat Snakes
The Chester Zoo in the United Kingdom last week posted video onto social media of the first Moellendorff's rat snakes (Orthriophis moellendorffi) the [...]
Drink A Beer And Save A Pine Snake
If you are of legal drinking age and live in the Memphis, TN area, head on over to the Memphis Zoo and drink a beer to help the zoo’s conservation eff [...]
Chinese National Gets 38 Month In Prison For Financing Turtle Smuggling Ring
Kang Juntao, 25 and a resident of Hangzhou City, China pleaded guilty to financing a smuggling ring that smuggled about 1,500 protected turtles out of [...]
Lizard King Michael Van Nostrand Charged With Illegally Trafficking Wildlife
Michael Van Nostrand, the man known as the “Lizard King” and who was sentenced to eight months in prison back in 1998 for smuggling protected wildlife [...]