Author: John Virata
Glass Frogs Are Translucent As A Form Of Camouflage, Study Says
Their bodies are translucent to fool predators. [...]

Arkansas To No Longer Issue Permits To Breed, Sell And Import Five Python Species
You are still able to possess these snakes in the state, per local regulation. [...]

53-Year Old Tortoise Whose Owner Died of COVID19 Gets Adopted
Ms. Jennifer had celebrated her 53rd birthday when she was adopted. [...]

New Frog Species Discovered In Madagascar
The amphibian is known to exist in just three degraded forest patches. [...]

Argentine Black And White Tegus Found In Two Georgia Counties
Salvator merianae is established in Florida as well. [...]

Researchers See Steady But Still Troublesome Decline In Reptile Poaching In Pakistan
Poaching in the country is mostly undocumented and accurate data is difficult to acquire [...]

Who Flinches First In Frog And Snake Predator Prey Relationship?
It is a game of patience between predator and prey. [...]
Nature Conservancy In Florida Releases 22 Eastern Indigo Snakes
The Drymarchon couperi were captive bred in Florida [...]
Pet Corn Snake Mistakenly Released In Canada’s Pittock Conservation Area
The corn snake morph was inadvertently released into the wild. [...]

California’s Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Threatened By Warming Planet, Study Says
The blunt-nosed leopard lizard was listed on the federal endangered species list in 1967. [...]

USFWS Again To Consider Dunes Sagebrush Lizard As Endangered Species
The lizard was once considered a candidate for ESA protections but a failed scheme put forth by the state of Texas has the USFWS again considering it. [...]
Five-Lined Skink Discovered In Rhode Island
Plestidon fasciatus is not native to the state, but could be the result of range extension. [...]

Researchers Describe New Mata Mata Turtle Species
The turtles diverged during the Miocene period, about 13 million years ago. [...]

Narrow-headed And Northern Mexican Garter Snakes To Receive Critical Habitat
The Trump Administration was sued last winter for failing to protect the two snake species. [...]

First Frog Fossil From Antarctica Discovered
The fossil represents the first helmeted from the Antarctic. [...]

Social Distancing Helps Salamanders Reduce Rate Of Bsal Transmission
A higher population density of eastern newts increased the rate of Bsal transmission. [...]

Researchers Discover And Describe New Gecko Species From Cambodia
The bent-toed gecko (Cyrtodactylus phnomchiensis) was found in Cambodia’s Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. [...]

Puerto Rico’s Coquí Frog Is Oldest Frog In Caribbean
The fossil was found by Jorge Velez-Juarbe, associate curator of marine mammals at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. [...]

During COVID-19 Lockdown, South American River Turtle At Emperor Valley Zoo Lays Eggs On Land
Zookeepers believe because of the lack of noise due to the lockdown, the turtle laid her eggs on land instead of water. [...]
Due to COVID-19 Lockdown, Satellite-Tracking Equipped Juvenile Green Sea Turtles Released By USCG
Three six-month-old green sea turtle outfitted with satellite tracker were released by the U.S. Coast Guard. [...]

New Species Of Dragon Lizard Discovered In Southern Africa
Smaug swazicus, or Swazi dragon lizard grows up to 13 inches from snout to the tip of its tail [...]

Colorful New Egg-Eating Snake Species Discovered In Sri Lanka
Dryocalamus chithrasekarai, or Chithrasekara’s bridle snake, is black or brown and white in coloration. [...]

California Desert Tortoise Needs Stronger Protections, Conservation Group Says
It is speculated that there are more desert tortoises in captivity than in the wild. [...]

Snake Venom Evolved To Subdue Prey Rather Than For Protection, Study Says
Spitting cobras seem to be the only exception and use venom as a defense mechanism. [...]