Tag: Australia

Aussie Woman Vacuums Up Red-Bellied Black Snake
“He seems fine,” McKenzie said in the video posted to Instagram. “Probably just a bit shaken up from his little roller coaster.” [...]
Robert Irwin Removes Snake From Road Inside Australia Zoo
Robert is growing into quite the reptile handler and while his voice and mannerisms are his own, you can still see the father in the son. [...]
New Mountain Frog Species From Australia Discovered And Described
Philoria knowlesi is known to breed in the spring and early summer, using bogs, banks of headwater streams and seepages as breeding grounds. [...]
Six Western Swamp Tortoises Hatched At Australia’s Adelaide Zoo
Threats to the Western swamp tortoise include land clearing for agriculture, pesticide and fertilizer use, housing development and fire. [...]
Two Venomous Australian Snakes Came By Sea, Not Land
Researchers conclude that the ancestor snake to all Australian elapids have genes that are not found in their land-based relatives. [...]

Watergum Australia Launches Cane Toad Bust
Cane toads are an invasive species in Australia with population estimates at more than 2 billion. [...]
Snakes Resort To Inbreeding As Habitats Become Fragmented And Cut Off
A new paper out of Australia shows the dire consequences of habitat fragmentation and urbanization, as snakes that are cut off in their ecosystems ten [...]

Cane Toad Tadpoles In Australia Cannibalize Younger Tadpoles
Researchers in Australia have discovered an interesting trait in invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) tadpoles in Australia not seen in their native S [...]

Australia’s White-bellied Frog At Greatest Risk Of Extinction
The white-bellied frog (Geocrinia alba) has joined 25 other frog species in Australia on that country’s list of species at greatest risk of extinction [...]
Zoos Victoria Raises 15 Giant Burrowing Frog Tadpoles To Froglet Stage
Zoos Victoria has announced that 15 of 100 giant burrowing frog (Heleioporus australiacus) tadpoles have grown legs and have metamorphosed, a first fo [...]
Aussie Vet Sews Up Hole On Tiny Treefrog
A veterinarian in Australia performed a successful surgery on a green tree frog that had a hole in its chest. Brisbane veterinarian Dr. Meaghan Barrow [...]
Australia Face Challenges Due To Poaching Of Shingleback Skinks
A new report from the University of Adelaide and the Monitor Conservation Research Society has found that all four species of the shingleback skink (T [...]
Aussie Trucker Pulls Over To Move Python Off The Road
The black-headed python grows to between five and 10 feet in length and can live 20 to 30 years. They are also widely captive bred. [...]

New Bacterium Strain Killing Lizards On Australia’s Christmas Island
Researchers with the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney in Australia and the Taronga Conservation Society Australia were [...]
Skink That Lived 25 Million Years Ago Discovered In Australia
An extinct skink species that lived in what is now South Australia more than 25 million years ago has been discovered and described by researchers wit [...]

52 Pygmy Blue-Tongue Lizards Moved To South Australia To Determine Adaptability
The pygmy blue-tongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis), thought to have gone extinct until a specimen was discovered in the belly of a dead brown snake i [...]
Gulf Snapping Turtle Elseya lavarackorum Renamed Elseya oneiros
The Gulf snapping turtle, Elseya lavarackorum, so named in 1997, is actually a new species of turtle, and Elseya lavarackorum is probably extinct, sci [...]
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Save Eggs From Road-Killed Carpet Python
A carpet python (Morelia spilotes) that got hit by a car and died in Australia was gravid with 12 eggs, and Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors were able [...]
Monitor Lizards Stolen in 2019 Recovered By California Police Department
A pair of monitor lizards that were stolen in a 2019 robbery in the city of Long Beach, CA, have been recovered by detectives with the Long Beach Poli [...]
Former Aussie Pro Footballer Brent Staker Saves Carpet Python From Busy Highway
Brent Staker, a retired Australian football player was driving on a busy road in Australia when he noticed a carpet python (Morelia spilotes) in the m [...]

The 20 Most Imperiled Australian Reptiles Predicted to Disappear By 2040
Researchers in Australia have released a list of reptiles that they say will disappear in just 20 years if no action is taken to protect them. The rep [...]

Cunningham’s Skinks Protect Their Offspring Against Predators, Study Says
The Cunningham’s skink (Egernia cunninghami), a large skink native to southeastern Australia, protect their young from predators, according to a new s [...]
Photographer’s 2021 Calendar To Benefit Global Snakebite Initiative, RFDS
Australian herp photographer Ross McGibbon announced that his 2021 reptile calendar will benefit the Global Snakebite Initiative and Royal Flying Doct [...]

Australian Lizards Illegally Bound For China Intercepted By Australian Authorities
Australian postal workers who couldn’t explain abnormal shadows in x-ray scans of rice cookers, called the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service for a [...]