Category: Snake Information & News

1 16 17 18 19 20 35 432 / 834 POSTS
College Student Says Pet Snake “Held Hostage” At Boarding Facility

College Student Says Pet Snake “Held Hostage” At Boarding Facility

The facility that was caring for Santana says the snake is being treated for mites. [...]
Burmese Pythons Crossbreeding With Indian Pythons In Florida Everglades

Burmese Pythons Crossbreeding With Indian Pythons In Florida Everglades

Researchers say a crossbred snake could create a super snake that takes the best traits of both species. [...]
Lawsuit To Protect Habitat Of Two Garter Snake Species Launched Against USFWS

Lawsuit To Protect Habitat Of Two Garter Snake Species Launched Against USFWS

The habitat of both garter snake species are suffering from issues such as livestock grazing, agricultural and urban sprawl. [...]

Boa Constrictor Thwarts Mail Delivery At Overland Park, KS Home

These animal control officers had quite the time with this boa constrictor. [...]
Snake Fungal Disease Changes Skin Microbiome of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes

Snake Fungal Disease Changes Skin Microbiome of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes

Healthy skin of infected eastern Massasauga rattlesnakes test positive for Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola. [...]
Whale Watchers Spot Hognose Snake Swimming More Than 1 Mile off Cape Cod

Whale Watchers Spot Hognose Snake Swimming More Than 1 Mile off Cape Cod

it is speculated that the snake may tried to cool down and was pulled out to sea by currents or got disoriented and swam out. [...]
DNA Analysis Determines Forest Cobra To Be Five Different Species

DNA Analysis Determines Forest Cobra To Be Five Different Species

Researchers in England have determined that the forest cobra is actually five different species. [...]
Yellow-Bellied Puffing Snake Venom Adapts To Prey

Yellow-Bellied Puffing Snake Venom Adapts To Prey

Researchers with the University of Northern Colorado and National University of Singapore have found an interesting characteristic within the venom of [...]
22 Smooth Green Snakes Released On Barrington Prairie In Illinois

22 Smooth Green Snakes Released On Barrington Prairie In Illinois

The smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis) is non-venomous and bright green in coloration with a white belly. [...]
20 Eastern Indigo Snakes Reintroduced In Habitat That Hasn’t Seen Them In 35 Years

20 Eastern Indigo Snakes Reintroduced In Habitat That Hasn’t Seen Them In 35 Years

The eastern indigo snake has not been seen in the Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve for more than 35 years. [...]
New Venomous Snake Species Discovered In Australia – Bandy Bandy Snake

New Venomous Snake Species Discovered In Australia – Bandy Bandy Snake

The Bandy bandy snake, Vermicella parscauda may already face extinction due to mining. [...]
Woman At Kruger National Park Happens Upon Cobra Trying To Eat Monitor Lizard

Woman At Kruger National Park Happens Upon Cobra Trying To Eat Monitor Lizard

The snake was persistent, but could it have really eaten such a large lizard? [...]
9 Black Mambas Hatched At Reptile Gardens In South Dakota

9 Black Mambas Hatched At Reptile Gardens In South Dakota

The black mamba is one of the fastest snakes in the world and one of the deadliest. It is called the black mamba because the black color of its mouth, [...]
Why (And How) A Reticulated Python Managed To Consume An Indonesian Woman

Why (And How) A Reticulated Python Managed To Consume An Indonesian Woman

The reticulated python is considered the longest snake species in the world. It is also one of the heaviest. [...]
West Virginia Police Stop Traffic To Let Snake Cross Busy Road

West Virginia Police Stop Traffic To Let Snake Cross Busy Road

With a little help from police, the timber rattlesnake made it safely to the other side. [...]
5 Facts About The Reticulated Python

5 Facts About The Reticulated Python

The reticulated python is the longest snake species in the world. [...]
5 New Snail Eating Snake Species Discovered In South America

5 New Snail Eating Snake Species Discovered In South America

The five snakes are all snail eaters and hail from South America. [...]
1 16 17 18 19 20 35 432 / 834 POSTS