Category: Lizard Information & News

1 6 7 8 9 10 23 192 / 541 POSTS
Reptile Described As Dinosaur Confirmed A Lizard

Reptile Described As Dinosaur Confirmed A Lizard

Researchers with Barcelona's Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont have confirmed a new species of lizard of the family Oculudentavis, Ocu [...]

South Carolina Bans Keeping Of Tegu Lizards

South Carolina has banned the importation of Argentine black and white tegus (Salvator meriane)and their hybrids into the state, and breeding of the s [...]

Deadline To Tag Your Non-Native Reptile In Florida Is July 28

The University of Florida, in conjunction with the  Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will hold free Passive Integrated Transponder ta [...]

After Europeans Arrived, 1/2 of Guadeloupe Islands Snakes And Lizards Went Extinct

A new study of how European colonization impacted the Guadeloupe Islands in the French Caribbean details how the arrival of Europeans caused half of t [...]

Ibiza Island Wall Lizard Devastated By Invasive Snake

The population of the Ibiza wall lizard (Podarcis pityusensis) the last remaining endemic vertebrate on the island of Ibiza in the western Mediterrane [...]
Zoo Knoxville’s Amphibian and Reptile Campus Now Open

Zoo Knoxville’s Amphibian and Reptile Campus Now Open

Zoo Knoxville's Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Campus (ARC) opened early this month after an extensive $18 million, 2.5-acre expansion dedicated s [...]
Florida Offers Free Microchipping for Banned Reptile Pets

Florida Offers Free Microchipping for Banned Reptile Pets

Florida's non-native reptile pet rules go into effect April 29, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is hosting a series of [...]
Bearded Dragon Embryos Can Switch Sex Two Different Ways, Study Says

Bearded Dragon Embryos Can Switch Sex Two Different Ways, Study Says

For many egg laying reptiles, temperature of the eggs during incubation determines the sex of the hatchling. For example, a 2017 study of green sea tu [...]
Yellow-Spotted Night Lizard Information and Care

Yellow-Spotted Night Lizard Information and Care

The yellow-spotted night lizard (Lepidophyma flavimaculatum) is generally the only species in the family Xantusiidae that is occasionally available in [...]
Asian Water Monitor Climbs Shelves At Thai 7-11

Asian Water Monitor Climbs Shelves At Thai 7-11

A video of an Asian water monitor (Varanus salvator) climbing up a shelf in a 7-11 in Bangkok, Thailand has gone viral. The video opens with the giant [...]
Project <em>Varanus salvatorii</em>

Project Varanus salvatorii

When it comes to reptiles, it seems as though there is always another stone to turn over as we are always learning new significant information about t [...]

Critically Endangered Philippine Crocodile Can Scale 50 Degree Limestone Walls

The most critically endangered crocodile species in the world, the Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) can climb steep hills, a behavior tha [...]
Bearded Dragon Most Popular Pet Reptile, Followed By Ball Python And Leopard Gecko, Data Shows

Bearded Dragon Most Popular Pet Reptile, Followed By Ball Python And Leopard Gecko, Data Shows

The bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) is the most popular herp kept by reptile keepers, according to a study based off Google Trends research publishe [...]
Six Legless Lizards

Six Legless Lizards

What is the difference between a legless lizard and a snake? Although at first glance they may look like a snake, legless lizards have anatomically di [...]
New Bacterium Strain Killing Lizards On Australia’s Christmas Island

New Bacterium Strain Killing Lizards On Australia’s Christmas Island

Researchers with the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney in Australia and the Taronga Conservation Society Australia were [...]
Florida FWC Votes To Ban Commercial Breeding And Keeping Of Pythons, Tegus, Other Reptiles

Florida FWC Votes To Ban Commercial Breeding And Keeping Of Pythons, Tegus, Other Reptiles

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted today to ban the commercial breeding and keeping of several invasive species of reptiles i [...]

Skink That Lived 25 Million Years Ago Discovered In Australia

An extinct skink species that lived in what is now South Australia more than 25 million years ago has been discovered and described by researchers wit [...]

World’s Highest Elevation Reptile, Liolaemus aff. tacnae, Discovered In Peru

Researchers in Peru have discovered what they believe is the world's highest altitude reptile, a species of lizard of the South American genus Liolaem [...]
 52 Pygmy Blue-Tongue Lizards Moved To South Australia To Determine Adaptability

 52 Pygmy Blue-Tongue Lizards Moved To South Australia To Determine Adaptability

The pygmy blue-tongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis), thought to have gone extinct until a specimen was discovered in the belly of a dead brown snake i [...]

Illegal Trade Of Philippine Monitor Lizards Aided By Facebook

Facebook continues to be the main tool for the illegal selling of monitor lizards in the Philippines, according to a report by TRAFFIC, an organizatio [...]
World’s Smallest Chameleon Discovered In Madagascar

World’s Smallest Chameleon Discovered In Madagascar

Researchers in Madagascar have discovered and described a new species of Brookesia chameleon that is smaller than the previous known smallest species, [...]
Tuatara’s Two Sets Of Mitochondrial Genome May Help It Withstand Cold Temperatures Better

Tuatara’s Two Sets Of Mitochondrial Genome May Help It Withstand Cold Temperatures Better

Researchers have discovered that the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), lizard-like reptiles endemic to New Zealand and the only living member of the rept [...]

New Indian Bent-Toed Gecko Species Discovered And Described

Researchers in India have discovered a new species of bent-toed gecko from the Indian province of Arunachal Pradesh. Cyrtodactylus arunachalensis is b [...]
Green Geckos Benefit From Soft Penned Release In New Zealand

Green Geckos Benefit From Soft Penned Release In New Zealand

Researchers in New Zealand studying the green barking gecko (Naultinus punctatus) have determined that releasing this species in a "soft pen" rather t [...]
1 6 7 8 9 10 23 192 / 541 POSTS