Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

Two New Amazon Treefrog Species Described, One Named After Stanley Kubrick
The devil's treefrog and Kubrick's treefrog were thought to be a single species, the Sarayacu treefrog. [...]

Black Warrior Waterdog Receives Endangered Species Act Protection
Also known as the Alabama mudpuppy, Necturus alabamnesis is in danger of extinction throughout its entire range. [...]
New Species Of Night Frog Discovered In India’s Western Ghats
Nyctibatrachus mewasinghi, or Mewa Singh’s night frog, is a light brown in coloration and its belly is off white. [...]

Could The Arroyo Toad Block Trump’s Border Wall?
There are an estimated 3,000 Arroyo toad's of breeding age left in the wild. [...]
New Frog Species Discovered In India
Odorrana arunachalensis can be seen during the wet season and is adapted for a life in fast moving waters. [...]

Year Round Frog Hunting May Become Reality In Michigan
Currently, the state bans the hunting of frogs between mid-November and late spring. [...]

New Treefrog Species Discovered Near Brazil’s Abandoned Trans-Amazonian Highway
The jaguar snouted tree frog is so named because jaguars were also spotted in the area which the amphibian was discovered. [...]
Researchers Find Peruvian Frog That Is Resistant To Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Gastrotheca excubitor employs bacterial defenses to fight off Bd and the chytrid fungus. [...]

Bd Infected Peruvian Frogs Still Haven’t Recovered From 10-Year-Old Die Off
Scientists speculate that Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is keeping frog populations low in Peru's Manu National Park. [...]

California Seeks Information On Cascades Frog To Determine Potential Protection Status
The Cascades frog may be listed as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act. [...]
Stranger Things Season 2’s The Pollywog Has Frog Genus Date Error
Dustin thinks Dart was of the Indirana genus, but the genus wasn't formally described until 1986 and frogs develop rear legs first. [...]
Researchers Identify Gene That Gives Colombian Dart Frogs Their Black Coloration
More than 300 poison dart frogs in the jungles of Colombia's Chocó province were photographed and classified, with DNA collected from 90 individual fr [...]

Penn State Researchers Use Glow Sticks To Capture Amphibians For Study
Research funding for herps is often limited, so the use of these lighting devices speeds up the research. [...]

New FrogID App Helps Aussies Record And Catalog Frog Calls
FrogID will help Australia catalog the country's more than 230 frog species. [...]

Jackson’s Climbing Salamander Rediscovered After 42 Years Missing
The Jackson’s climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa jacksoni) was discovered in 1975 and, until now, hasn't been seen since. [...]

If No Action Taken, Invasive Toad Could Threaten Komodo Dragon
The invasive Asian common toad has left a trail of death and destruction as it hops from one Indonesian island to another. [...]
Nampa University Home To Rare Crowned Treefrog And Undescribed New Species Seized in Hong Kong Shipment
The unidentified species will remain unidentified until the species is found and observed in the wild. [...]

No Evidence Of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans Detected In U.S. Pet Salamanders
A 2016 moratorium on the importation of salamanders into the U.S. seems to have helped keep Bsal out. [...]

7500 Frogs Released After Frog Poaching Ring Busted In Turkey
The frogs were released back into the Kizilirmak river, where they were poached. [...]

California Red-legged Frog Breaks Leg, Vet Inserts Metal Pin And It Is Later Released
The metal pin that was inserted into the broken leg of the frog was eventually removed. [...]

Cascades Frog May Get Protections Under California’s Endangered Species Act
The frog was once widely distributed in Northern California but has since disappeared in large areas of its previous habitats. [...]
Frog Named After Charles Darwin Faces Extinction In 15 Years
Researchers believe that the populations of the Darwin's frog are infected with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which causes the chytrid fungus. [...]
Fake Mud Helps Critically Endangered White-Bellied Frogs Breed In Australia
The white-bellied frog is critically endangered in Australia and the Perth Zoo is trying to bolster its populations. [...]

Ancestor Of Pac Man Frog Had Bite Force Similar To Wolves, Study Says
While frogs of the genus Ceratophrys have powerful bites, their ancestors had even more powerful bites. [...]