Category: Big Boxes

1 7 8 9 10 11 62 216 / 1488 POSTS
Sea Snakes Recorded Diving To Record 245 Meters

Sea Snakes Recorded Diving To Record 245 Meters

The sea snakes were poking their heads in the sand looking for food. [...]
More Than Half The World’s Amphibians In Danger Of Extinction, Study Says

More Than Half The World’s Amphibians In Danger Of Extinction, Study Says

"We found that more than 1,000 data-deficient amphibians are threatened with extinction, and nearly 500 are Endangered or Critically Endangered. [...]

Buffalo Zoo Welcomes New Resident Komodo Dragon

Kadal is a Komodo dragon who came to the zoo in October. [...]
Captive-Breeding Brings Red-Legged Frogs Back To Yosemite National Park

Captive-Breeding Brings Red-Legged Frogs Back To Yosemite National Park

Captive breeding efforts enabled 500 California red-legged frogs to be released back into Yosemite Valley. [...]
Florida License Plate Sales To Help Fund Study of Turtle-Killing Virus

Florida License Plate Sales To Help Fund Study of Turtle-Killing Virus

The Florida FWC hopes to raise $30,000 to develop a test for Virus X, which has killed hundreds of turtles in the last year. [...]
Wildlife Biologist in Florida Offers Unique Alligator Encounter with Rescue Alligator

Wildlife Biologist in Florida Offers Unique Alligator Encounter with Rescue Alligator

Animal ambassadors like Casper are a vital part of awareness and conservation outreach for many private sectors and the AZA. [...]
The Last Herp of the Season: In Search of Crotalus horridus

The Last Herp of the Season: In Search of Crotalus horridus

It took years for the author to finally see a timber rattlesnake while out herping. [...]
Green Sea Turtle Populations Rebound In U.S. Pacific, Study Says

Green Sea Turtle Populations Rebound In U.S. Pacific, Study Says

Green sea turtle populations around Hawaii and U.S. Pacific islands are up markedly but hawksbill turtle populations are not. [...]
TheTurtleRoom Gets Tax-Exempt Status, Serves As Public Charity

TheTurtleRoom Gets Tax-Exempt Status, Serves As Public Charity

TheTurtleRoom is now a tax-exempt conservation organization that works to ensure the survival of turtle and tortoise species around the world. [...]
USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Siskiyou Mountains Salamander

USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Siskiyou Mountains Salamander

The Siskiyou Mountains salamander lives in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of southern Oregon and northern California. [...]
Last Known Female Yangtze Giant Soft-Shell Turtle Has Died

Last Known Female Yangtze Giant Soft-Shell Turtle Has Died

Zoo officials have been trying to breed China Girl since 2009. [...]

Released Texas Horned Lizard Hatchlings Survive Winter

Three of the 10 lizards released were found in good condition. [...]
Three-toed Skink Gives Birth To Live Young And Lays Eggs

Three-toed Skink Gives Birth To Live Young And Lays Eggs

The lizard is bimodally reproductive, which means it can give birth to live young and lay eggs. [...]
Albino Anoles Created At The University Of Georgia

Albino Anoles Created At The University Of Georgia

Through gene editing, scientists were able to cause albinism in brown anole lizards. [...]
Kangaroo Rats Use Their Long Legs To Kick Rattlesnakes When Attacked

Kangaroo Rats Use Their Long Legs To Kick Rattlesnakes When Attacked

The kangaroo rats can also reorient their body in mid-air to escape rattlesnake bites. [...]
Commercial Wild Turtle Trapping Ban Sought For Maryland

Commercial Wild Turtle Trapping Ban Sought For Maryland

Common snapping turtles can be caught in unlimited amounts in the state of Maryland. [...]
Surveillance Footage Shows Man Taking Ball Python From Michigan Pet Store

Surveillance Footage Shows Man Taking Ball Python From Michigan Pet Store

This man is wanted by police in Rockwood, Michigan for allegedly stealing a ball python from I Love My Pets. [...]
Solomon Island Leaf Frog Care And Breeding

Solomon Island Leaf Frog Care And Breeding

This species of frog is now widely available as healthy, captive-bred specimens. [...]
Florida FWC Seeks Assistance In Turtle Die-Off Mystery

Florida FWC Seeks Assistance In Turtle Die-Off Mystery

The turtles have been dying in and near the St. Johns River since March 2018. [...]
Researchers Discover New Species Of Stiletto Snake

Researchers Discover New Species Of Stiletto Snake

Branch's stiletto snake has fangs that jut out the side of its mouth, researchers say. [...]
Gila Monster May Just Become Utah State Reptile

Gila Monster May Just Become Utah State Reptile

Students studying the reptile hope that their efforts pay off and the governor signs the house bill into law. [...]
1 7 8 9 10 11 62 216 / 1488 POSTS