Author: Site Staff

British Researchers Perform Ultrasound On 198-pound Reticulated Python
It took eight zookeepers to move Bali, a 23-foot-long resident of the Chester Zoo. [...]

Spine Turtle Hatches At Prague Zoo
Zoo is second facility in Europe to successfully hatch Heosemys spinosa. [...]

Rescued Ploughshare Tortoises To Kickstart Breeding Program In Europe
Seized from smugglers in Hong Kong, 13 ploughshare tortoises (Astrochelys yniphora) will be placed in England and the Netherlands. [...]

Alabama Woman's Missing Python Found Alive And Well
Rogue was found in the woods near woman's home. [...]

REPTILES Turns 20!
Here are the winners of our anniversary contest! [...]

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Successfully Breeds Orange-Tailed Skinks
Critically endangered orange-tailed skinks produce 16 offspring. [...]

Tortoise Taped To Helium Balloons Rescued In Oceanside, California
If culprit or culprits are found, animal abuse charges could be filed. [...]

Farmer In Nepal Bitten By Cobra Bites Back, Kills Cobra
Mohammed Salmodin was heeding advice from snake charmer. [...]

Puerto Rico Offers Incentives For Iguana Hunters
Commonwealth is hoping that hunters will capture iguanas and export the meat to other countries. [...]

King Cobra Bites Snake Handler Mark O'Shea
O'Shea was "nipped" on the leg by Sleeping Beauty, a 14-year-old female King Cobra. [...]

Skin Structure Of Snakes Depends On Environment
Certain snake skins could help to develop engineering applications. [...]

Largest Burmese Python Captured In Florida Carried 87 Eggs
The female Python molurus bivittatus measured 17-feet-7-inches and weighed 164.5 pounds. [...]

Researchers Identify Virus Attacking Captive Bred Boa Constrictors And Pythons
Arenaviruses seen as culprit affecting captive bred snakes. [...]
Monitor Lizards Still Being Sold In Fish Markets In India
Despite protections enacted in 1972, selling of Varanus bengalensis still occurs. [...]

New Caecilian Species Discovered In Brazil
Atretochoana eiselti is being called the "floppy snake." [...]

British Doctor Revives His Pet Hermann's Tortoise via Artificial Respiration
After six minutes of breathing into the tortoise's nose, the tortoise began breathing again on its own. [...]

The Steppe Runner Lizard Raffle
20 winners will receive a live steppe runner lizard and everything needed to keep it! [...]

AmphibiaWeb Documents 7,000th Amphibian Species
A green glass frog, Centrolene sabini is the 7,000th species cataloged on UC Berkeley-based website. [...]

MSU Professor's Reptile Book Published 8 Years After His Death
"The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan" published by Wayne State University Press. [...]

Tennessee Aquarium Hatches Red-headed Amazon River Turtles And Four-Eyed Turtles
The aquarium also hatched Florida chicken turtles and yellow-blotched map turtles. [...]

More Than 1,000 Turtles Escape From Georgia Turtle Farm
Enclosure was damaged by vandals, which enabled the turtles to escape. [...]
Three Land O’Lakes Subsidiaries Recall Feed For Turtles, Crocs, And Insectivores
Feed is reported to have elevated Vitamin D levels. [...]

Scientists Try To Inoculate Sierra Yellow-Legged Frog Tadpoles Against Chytrid
J.liv bacteria may help to protect amphibians from chytrid. [...]
Dino The Nile Monitor Still On The Loose In Woodland Park, Colorado
This marks the second escape of this particular Varanus niloticus [...]