Author: John Virata

1 6 7 8 9 10 41 192 / 982 POSTS
U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Case On Dusky Gopher Frog Critical Habitat Protections

U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Case On Dusky Gopher Frog Critical Habitat Protections

The dusky gopher frog was previously found in just a single pond in Mississippi. [...]

Juvenile Bengal Monitor Lizard Found At London’s Heathrow Airport

The lizard is being cared for near the Heathrow Airport until a home can be found for it. [...]
Man Gets 5 Months In Prison For Smuggling Juvenile King Cobras Into The U.S.

Man Gets 5 Months In Prison For Smuggling Juvenile King Cobras Into The U.S.

Rodrigo Franco pleaded guilty to smuggling three king cobras and three Chinese soft-shell turtles into the United States. [...]
500 Captive-Bred Variable Harlequin Frogs Released To The Wilds Of Panama

500 Captive-Bred Variable Harlequin Frogs Released To The Wilds Of Panama

Variable harlequin frogs have been decimated by the chytrid fungus. These 500 released frogs will be observed to understand disease dynamics in relati [...]
New York Man Sentenced To Six Months For Possession Of Stolen African Spurred Tortoise

New York Man Sentenced To Six Months For Possession Of Stolen African Spurred Tortoise

Millennium was stolen in July from the Alley Pond Environmental Center in Douglaston, New York. [...]
Lawsuit Filed To Protect Neuse River Waterdog

Lawsuit Filed To Protect Neuse River Waterdog

The USFWS was first served a petition to protect the amphibian in 2010 and failed to act on the petition. [...]

Will Smith Handles Olive Python Like It’s No Big Deal

Thanks to his daughter Willow, Will Smith has no problem handling the snake. [...]
Scientists Use Drones To Count Olive Ridley Sea Turtles At Costa Rica’s Ostional National Wildlife Refuge

Scientists Use Drones To Count Olive Ridley Sea Turtles At Costa Rica’s Ostional National Wildlife Refuge

Drone footage revealed that sea turtle density during peak nesting season was about 2,086 reptiles per square kilometer. [...]
Two New Amazon Treefrog Species Described, One Named After Stanley Kubrick

Two New Amazon Treefrog Species Described, One Named After Stanley Kubrick

The devil's treefrog and Kubrick's treefrog were thought to be a single species, the Sarayacu treefrog. [...]
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Found Cold-Stunned On Oregon Beach Has Died

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Found Cold-Stunned On Oregon Beach Has Died

In spite of the best efforts by staff at the Oregon Coast Aquarium, Turkey died January 8. [...]
Two-Headed Rat Snake That Was Almost Killed Will Live Out Its Life At Interpretive Center

Two-Headed Rat Snake That Was Almost Killed Will Live Out Its Life At Interpretive Center

The snake will live out its life at the Missouri Department of Conservation's Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery. [...]

Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake Washes Ashore In Newport Beach, Calif.

This marks the 5th time since 1972, and the 4th since 2015, that a yellow-bellied sea snake washed up on a California beach. [...]

Nicole Richie Gives Her Bearded Dragon A Soak

Nicole Richie keeps a bearded dragon and dances while letting it soak. [...]
New Lizard Species Discovered In Fossilized Dinosaur’s Belly

New Lizard Species Discovered In Fossilized Dinosaur’s Belly

What species the lizard was has confounded scientists for more than 150 years. [...]
Florida’s Invasive Burmese Pythons Spreading Disease To Native Snakes, Study Says

Florida’s Invasive Burmese Pythons Spreading Disease To Native Snakes, Study Says

Burmese pythons introduced the Raillietiella orientalis parasite to native snakes in Florida. [...]
Iguanas Falling From Trees In South Florida Due To Extreme Cold

Iguanas Falling From Trees In South Florida Due To Extreme Cold

As the weather hits the 30s and 40s in South Florida, invasive iguanas start falling from their perches. [...]

Australian Reptile Park Houses Three Pythons Described As Rarest In The World

Some estimates put the population of the Oenpelli python at less than 10,000 individuals. [...]
Black Warrior Waterdog Receives Endangered Species Act Protection

Black Warrior Waterdog Receives Endangered Species Act Protection

Also known as the Alabama mudpuppy, Necturus alabamnesis is in danger of extinction throughout its entire range. [...]
1 6 7 8 9 10 41 192 / 982 POSTS