Author: John Virata

Researchers Discover Ancient Lizard With Four Eyes, But They're Not What You Think
The eyes weren't eyes in the traditional sense, used for seeing, but rather likely used to detect changes in such things as light. [...]

Frogs Starting To Resist Chytrid Fungus, Study Says
Chytridiomycosis wiped out huge populations of Panamanian frogs in 2004. [...]

Endangered Mojave Desert Tortoise May Stop Potential Road Project In Utah
Conservationists are hoping a proposed road doesn't even make it to the planning stages because it may negatively impact the Mojave desert tortoise. [...]

Sea Turtles Use Their Flippers To Help Them Eat Jellyfish
An array of photographic and video proof details how sea turtles use their flippers to eat their prey. [...]

Woman Tweets Video Of Her Hognose Snake Drinking Water And Internet Loves It
Twitter user Taylor Nicole Dean is a reptile lover and a video of her hognose snake drinking water went viral over the weekend. [...]
New Species of Freshwater Turtle Discovered in Papua New Guinea
Elseya rhodini is of the side-neck turtle family Chelidae [...]

Man Sentenced To Six Months House Arrest For Smuggling Five Monitor Lizards Into The US
All three species seized by the USFWS are protected under CITES. [...]
New Hyloscirtus Frog Species Found In South America
The discovery of Hyloscirtus japreria makes it the 37th species of the Hyloscirtus genus. [...]

Unique Feeding Behavior For A Snake; Tearing Its Food Apart Before Eating It
These Southeast Asian snakes dine on crustaceans in unique ways, unlike other snakes. [...]

Bog Turtle One Step Closer To Becoming State Reptile Of New Jersey
The bog turtle, one of the smallest turtles in North America, may soon become the official state reptile of New Jersey. [...]

Elongated Tortoise Stolen From Texas Zoo
An elongated tortoise is said to have been stolen from the Ellen Trout Zoo. [...]

Rising Sea Levels Will Affect 90 Percent Of Coastal Freshwater Turtles, Study Says
Climate change may threaten coastal freshwater turtles. [...]

Olympic Gold Medalist Kyle Chalmers Loves His Reptiles!
The Aussie swimmer breeds beardies and blue tongues. [...]

The Top 10 Reptiles Most Reliant on Zoo Breeding Programs for Survival
Did you ever wonder what the top 10 reptiles and amphibians that are most reliant on zoos and aquariums for their survival on Earth? The British and I [...]

Sale Of IUCN Red List Species Of Turtles And Tortoises Continues In Indonesia
The critically endangered ploughshare tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora) was commonly found for sale in Indonesia. [...]

Scientists Discover New Species Of Reptile With A Powerful Jaw
Colobops noviportensis was a tiny little reptile with a massive and powerful jaw. [...]

Siskiyou Mountains Salamander Needs Endangered Species Act Protection, Petition Says
The Siskiyou Mountains salamander is threatened by federal plans to accelerate logging in its native range. [...]

Texas Is Closer To Banning Commercial Collection Of Turtles On Private Lands
Texas is a step closer to making it illegal to commercially collect chelonians on private lands. [...]

Pollution In India Deforming Native Frogs
Researchers with Delhi University’s Sri Venkateswara College have discovered ornate narrow-mouthed frogs missing eyes, due to the effects of pollution [...]

Video: Boa Constrictor Born With Two Heads, Two Hearts
Snake breeder in Florida showcased on Nat Geo vet show. [...]

Australian Scientists Field Trial Cane Toad Bait To Save Native Quolls
The cane toad was introduced to Australia to combat agricultural pests but has decimated native populations of quolls. [...]

Cobra Handling Firefighter From Malaysia Dies From Cobra Bite
Abu Zarin Husin, a Malaysian firefighter who captured and released uncounted cobras has died of a cobra bite. [...]

Idaho Officials Euthanize Snapping Turtle Which Was Allegedly Fed Dying Puppy
Threats of violence have been made against the school district, apparently for not firing the teacher. [...]

50 Desert Tortoises Available For Adoption By Arizona Residents
Once in captivity, desert tortoises can no longer be released into the wild due to the potential for them to introduce disease to wild populations of [...]