Category: Wild Frogs & Amphibians

The Top 10 Reptiles Most Reliant on Zoo Breeding Programs for Survival
Did you ever wonder what the top 10 reptiles and amphibians that are most reliant on zoos and aquariums for their survival on Earth? The British and I [...]
Herpetologists Stumped By Faceless Toad Discovered In 2016
Herpetologist Jill Fleming is unsure what happened to the face of this toad she happened upon back in 2016. She Tweeted the photo February 28 asking f [...]

Connecticut Needs Folks To Count Frogs
Can you distinguish the call of a spring peeper? If so, the Connecticut chapters of FrogWatch USA needs you to help them count. [...]

The Solution For Keeping Monitor Lizards From Raiding Sea Turtle Nests? Cane Toads
Researchers have found that dead cane toads placed on top of sea turtle nests deter monitor lizards from pilfering the eggs. [...]

More Than 80% Of Amphibian Species In India's Western Ghats Under Threat Of Extinction
Noted Indian herpetologist Dr. SD Biju says that 80 percent of amphibian species in India are threatened with extinction. [...]

Cane Toads Rapidly Adjust To Cooler Temperatures, Study Says
The cane toad, native to Central America, is invasive in Australia and Hawaii. [...]

U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Case On Dusky Gopher Frog Critical Habitat Protections
The dusky gopher frog was previously found in just a single pond in Mississippi. [...]

Two New Amazon Treefrog Species Described, One Named After Stanley Kubrick
The devil's treefrog and Kubrick's treefrog were thought to be a single species, the Sarayacu treefrog. [...]

Black Warrior Waterdog Receives Endangered Species Act Protection
Also known as the Alabama mudpuppy, Necturus alabamnesis is in danger of extinction throughout its entire range. [...]
New Species Of Night Frog Discovered In India’s Western Ghats
Nyctibatrachus mewasinghi, or Mewa Singh’s night frog, is a light brown in coloration and its belly is off white. [...]

Could The Arroyo Toad Block Trump’s Border Wall?
There are an estimated 3,000 Arroyo toad's of breeding age left in the wild. [...]

Three New Frog Species Of The Genus Chiasmocleis
The frogs have been named C. migueli, C. veracruz and C. altomontana. They are small, brown, fossorial frogs that spend most of their lives undergroun [...]
New Frog Species Discovered In India
Odorrana arunachalensis can be seen during the wet season and is adapted for a life in fast moving waters. [...]
Researchers Find Peruvian Frog That Is Resistant To Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Gastrotheca excubitor employs bacterial defenses to fight off Bd and the chytrid fungus. [...]

Bd Infected Peruvian Frogs Still Haven’t Recovered From 10-Year-Old Die Off
Scientists speculate that Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is keeping frog populations low in Peru's Manu National Park. [...]

California Seeks Information On Cascades Frog To Determine Potential Protection Status
The Cascades frog may be listed as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act. [...]

New FrogID App Helps Aussies Record And Catalog Frog Calls
FrogID will help Australia catalog the country's more than 230 frog species. [...]

Jackson’s Climbing Salamander Rediscovered After 42 Years Missing
The Jackson’s climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa jacksoni) was discovered in 1975 and, until now, hasn't been seen since. [...]

If No Action Taken, Invasive Toad Could Threaten Komodo Dragon
The invasive Asian common toad has left a trail of death and destruction as it hops from one Indonesian island to another. [...]

7500 Frogs Released After Frog Poaching Ring Busted In Turkey
The frogs were released back into the Kizilirmak river, where they were poached. [...]
Salamanders In Crisis
As far as we know, North American amphibian populations have not yet been exposed to this pathogen in the wild. [...]

New Disease A Threat To North American Frogs
Severe Perkinsea Infection (SPI), is caused by a single celled parasitic organism that kills tadpoles. [...]

Endangered California Tiger Salamander Gets Tunnel Under Highway
A new tunnel between Buellton and Lompoc, Calif. will enable the California tiger salamander to cross under a busy road rather than over it, thanks to [...]
Snow-Dwelling Frog Faces Extinction As Researchers Try To Save Species
The Baw Baw frog was once abundant in Australia’s Baw Baw Plateau. [...]