Category: Snake Information & News

Snakes Spread Plant Seeds Via The Rodents They Eat
Researchers say the role of snakes as ecosystem servicers should be further studied. [...]
New Coral Snake Species Of The Genus Calliophis Described In The Philippines
Calliophis salitan is closely related to four other Philippine-native snakes, Calliophis bivirgatus, C. bilineatus, C. philippinus, and C. suluensis. [...]
Snake Experts Have Doubts That Python Killed British Snake Keeper
Daniel Brandon was found dead in his room last August. [...]

Man Gets 5 Months In Prison For Smuggling Juvenile King Cobras Into The U.S.
Rodrigo Franco pleaded guilty to smuggling three king cobras and three Chinese soft-shell turtles into the United States. [...]
Will Smith Handles Olive Python Like It’s No Big Deal
Thanks to his daughter Willow, Will Smith has no problem handling the snake. [...]

Two-Headed Rat Snake That Was Almost Killed Will Live Out Its Life At Interpretive Center
The snake will live out its life at the Missouri Department of Conservation's Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery. [...]
Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake Washes Ashore In Newport Beach, Calif.
This marks the 5th time since 1972, and the 4th since 2015, that a yellow-bellied sea snake washed up on a California beach. [...]

Florida’s Invasive Burmese Pythons Spreading Disease To Native Snakes, Study Says
Burmese pythons introduced the Raillietiella orientalis parasite to native snakes in Florida. [...]
Australian Reptile Park Houses Three Pythons Described As Rarest In The World
Some estimates put the population of the Oenpelli python at less than 10,000 individuals. [...]

PETA Asks Florida FWC To Investigate How Burmese Python Was Killed During Python Elimination Program
The activist group wants to know if the record-setting python was killed humanely. [...]
Snake Fungal Disease Could Spread Globally, Report Says
Snake fungal disease can kill snakes within a few days. [...]
Four New Stegonotus New Guinea Ground Snakes Discovered And Described
Researchers studied the molecular and genetic data of 49 snakes of the Stegonotus genus and discovered four new snake species. [...]
Calabar Burrowing Python Has Thickest Skin Of Any Snake Species
The small python feeds on baby rodents and its skin may have evolved to resist bites from angry mothers. [...]

Northern Mexican Gartersnake Found In Its Native Range After 100 Year Absence
The snake was found at Beal Lake in Mohave County, Ariz., a place where no northern Mexican gartersnake has been documented in 100 years. [...]

Database Of 74 Percent Of All Snake Species From 27 Countries Released
Researchers studied distribution patterns, collection records and frequency of occurrence from 147,515 contributions for a total of 886 snake species. [...]

Carpet Python In Seattle Missing Its Owner
Hopefully this python will find its way back to its owner. [...]

Snake Wranglers In Thailand Get A Surprise After Capturing Reticulated Python
After, the snake was captured, it proceeded to regurgitate its meal, a very large monitor lizard. [...]

Scientists Hope To Populate Guam’s Forest Canopy With Drug-Laden Dead Mice To Kill Invasive Brown Tree Snakes
Researchers want to expand the drop zones of drug-laced mice to further control the brown tree snake population on Guam. [...]
Corn Snake Lost In Rental Van For 5 Months Finally Reunited With Owner
Gavin Burnett was moving to a new city when Mushu escaped inside the moving van. [...]

Man In Germany Locked Up To Sober Up After Police Find A Snake In His Pants
Police noticed a significant bulge in his trousers, which turned out to be a ball python. [...]

Could Fear Of Snakes Be Genetic? Study Says Yes
Humans have a built in fear of snakes, according to babies view of photos depicting the reptiles. [...]

Centipede Devours Snake In Midst Of Laying Its Eggs
Scolopendra dawydoffi preys on a triangled black-headed snake (Sibynophis triangularis) that was laying eggs. [...]

Man Leaves His Pet Boa Constrictor In North Carolina Hotel Room
A chambermaid discovered the reptile when she was cleaning the room and called the police. [...]

Minot, North Dakota Votes To Allow Keeping Of Corn Snakes, And Other Small Constricting Snakes As Pets
Colubrids and other small constricting snakes will hopefully be allowed as pets in the city. [...]