Category: Lizards

1 2 3 48 / 58 POSTS
Understanding The New Hydrosaurus Species

Understanding The New Hydrosaurus Species

A recent revision to the taxonomy of the sailfin lizard has increased the number of species from three to five. [...]
New Gecko Species Named After Hong Kong Movie Star Jackie Chan

New Gecko Species Named After Hong Kong Movie Star Jackie Chan

Researchers have discovered a new gecko species that is so agile it was named after action star Jackie Chan. Jackie’s day gecko (Cnemaspis jackieii [...]
Listing Komodo Dragon As Endangered Based On Assumption, Should Be Reassessed

Listing Komodo Dragon As Endangered Based On Assumption, Should Be Reassessed

A komodo dragon takes down a deer. Photo by Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock The listing of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) as endangered was [...]
New Zealand Scientists Want To Regulate Cats After One Regurgitated 28 Lizards

New Zealand Scientists Want To Regulate Cats After One Regurgitated 28 Lizards

Feral cats, like everywhere else in the world, are a big problem in New Zealand, so much so that scientists are calling on more stringent feral cat ma [...]

204 Texas Horned Lizards Released Into The Wild

A hatchling Texas horned lizard. Photo by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department The Fort Worth Zoo and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, along [...]
Yellow-Spotted Night Lizard Information and Care

Yellow-Spotted Night Lizard Information and Care

The yellow-spotted night lizard (Lepidophyma flavimaculatum) is generally the only species in the family Xantusiidae that is occasionally available in [...]
Asian Water Monitor Climbs Shelves At Thai 7-11

Asian Water Monitor Climbs Shelves At Thai 7-11

A video of an Asian water monitor (Varanus salvator) climbing up a shelf in a 7-11 in Bangkok, Thailand has gone viral. The video opens with the giant [...]
Project <em>Varanus salvatorii</em>

Project Varanus salvatorii

When it comes to reptiles, it seems as though there is always another stone to turn over as we are always learning new significant information about t [...]
Six Legless Lizards

Six Legless Lizards

What is the difference between a legless lizard and a snake? Although at first glance they may look like a snake, legless lizards have anatomically di [...]
New Bacterium Strain Killing Lizards On Australia’s Christmas Island

New Bacterium Strain Killing Lizards On Australia’s Christmas Island

Researchers with the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney in Australia and the Taronga Conservation Society Australia were [...]

Public Comment Period Scheduled On Reintroduction Of Saint Croix Ground Lizard

The Saint Croix ground lizard (Pholidoscelis polops) was listed as endangered by the IUCN, and the government of St. Croix has been working on a reint [...]
New Book Showcases Rare and Incredible Herp Photography

New Book Showcases Rare and Incredible Herp Photography

All over the world there are extraordinary Reptiles and Amphibians hiding among the unique habitats they exist in, but many of us will never see [...]
Extinct Reptiles and Amphibians

Extinct Reptiles and Amphibians

Extinction means an animal is gone forever, so they will never be back! Reptiles and amphibians are currently facing this risk, where 20% of the descr [...]
5 Facts About The Bearded Dragon

5 Facts About The Bearded Dragon

Here are some facts about the bearded dragon, an Australian native lizard that is popular amongst reptilekeepers. [...]
Basilisk Lizard Information And Care

Basilisk Lizard Information And Care

Kept properly, a basilisk lizard may add a new wrinkle to your reptile keeping hobby. [...]
Herp Queries With Bill Love: Can The Uromastyx Become As Popular As The Bearded Dragon?

Herp Queries With Bill Love: Can The Uromastyx Become As Popular As The Bearded Dragon?

The dabb lizards, as uromastyx are also known, may be on the cusp of massive popularity in the pet trade. [...]
Venomous Or Poisonous?

Venomous Or Poisonous?

Go to any reptile show or zoo, and I can guarantee you will find herpetoculture’s future generation pointing at a reptile or amphibian on displa [...]
The Helodermas: Beaded Lizards And Gila Monsters

The Helodermas: Beaded Lizards And Gila Monsters

With their exquisite beaded osteoderms, striking coloration and fat, forked tongues, beaded lizards and Gila monsters are among the most beautiful rep [...]

Video Update: Nicolas Cage’s Water Monitor Settling In Nicely At Wildlife Discovery Center

Grug will go on an educational tour at Chicago area schools and parks this summer. [...]
TCU Unveils New Horned Frog Statue

TCU Unveils New Horned Frog Statue

Texas Christian University mascot, actually a horned lizard, gets a big statue in front of Amon G. Carter Stadium. [...]
Number Of Injured Bearded Dragons More Than Double In Outback Aussie Town

Number Of Injured Bearded Dragons More Than Double In Outback Aussie Town

Broken Hill-based rescue group treated 10 beardies in 2010-2011 versus 26 in 2011-2012 [...]
Virginia Aquarium Acquires Female Komodo Dragon From San Antonio Zoo

Virginia Aquarium Acquires Female Komodo Dragon From San Antonio Zoo

Jude will be paired with Teman in hopes of producing Varanus komodoensis offspring. [...]
Green Iguana Handling Tips

Green Iguana Handling Tips

Bonus content from the December 2009 REPTILES magazine article "Going Green." [...]
Videography Captures How Green Anole And Flat-tailed House Gecko Fall And Land Feet First

Videography Captures How Green Anole And Flat-tailed House Gecko Fall And Land Feet First

UC Berkeley researchers study how arboreal lizards right themselves as they fall. [...]
1 2 3 48 / 58 POSTS