Author: Bill Love

Hognose Snake Doesn't Play Dead Anymore
North American hognose snakes go all out to sell their death act by opening their mouths and rolling their tongues in the dirt. [...]

Night Snake Information
Night snakes are abundant on roads in the southwestern U.S. on warm nights during the rainy season. [...]

Special Events For Young Herpers
What events can young herpers attend to get information that they understand? [...]

What Is The Rarest Color In Reptiles?
Blue is not a pigment in herps. [...]

Phrynosoma asio: A Horned Lizard That Eats More Than Ants
Keeping horned lizards is difficult because most are ant eaters. Phrynosoma asio apparently eats other insects as well. [...]

Rat Snakes Of The United States
Rat snakes make great captives. The red rat snake, also known as the corn snake is probably the most popular snake kept as a pet. [...]

What Aquatic Turtle Can Live In A Tropical Fish Aquarium?
The razorback musk turtle can be kept in a tropical fish aquarium of an appropriate size, but be prepared to lose fish. [...]

Because Of Their Appetites, Collared Lizards Don't Do Well In Captivity
The high caloric intake of collared lizards is difficult for many herpetoculturists to provide.

The Burmese Python In The United States
The Burmese python has had an interesting existence in the United States. [...]

The Biggest Success In Herpetology
Hobbyists have embraced sulcata tortoises and made their
reproduction the biggest herpetocultural success story of recent times. [...]

Educational Lectures At Reptile Shows
The herp industry wants its constituents to be successful raising and breeding the animals they acquire in order to grow the hobby. [...]

Reptile Tracks: Can You Tell What Species Made Them?
Generalizations could be made based on the width of crawl tracks and the undulation pattern [...]

Sand Boa Substrate: Soil Or Sand?
Sand boas are most comfortable on a loamy, slightly moist soil mixture. [...]

Road Cruising For Herps And Impact Of Weather
Road herping is a favorite way for many to see a lot of reptiles. [...]

The International Herpetological Symposium: Ideal For Teens
The presentations at IHS range from those meant for amateur herpers to pros, and you can learn about many topics, from herpetoculture to pure science [...]

Herp Queries: Red Touch Yellow, Kill A Fellow Doesn’t Always Work
The saying is not always accurate. [...]

Is There A Standard Size Rodent For My Reptile?
Newborn pinkie, pinkie, peach fuzzy, fuzzy, crawlie, hopper, weanling, sub-adult, adult, and retired breeder [...]

Herp Queries: Don’t Jump To Judge The Reptile Shopkeeper
Even though herps have gone mainstream as pets, there’s still an enormous amount of ignorance and misinformation about their husbandry floating around [...]

Herp Queries: Road Herping Tips
Look for snakes, but always remember to keep an eye out for other traffic, too! [...]

Why Do Hognose Snakes Play Dead?
If predators are able to smell or detect the presence of toad toxins coming off the snakes in some way, that might contribute to a successful deterren [...]

U.S. Herping Hotspots From East To West
Some of the best general areas for field herping in the United States. [...]

What Is The Other Blue Dart Frog?
Several of the tiny frogs among the dendrobatids display some tinges of blue. [...]

Herp Queries: Difficulty Seeing Reptiles In Their Zoo Enclosures
If you can't see a particular reptile in its enclosure at the zoo, don't be shy to ask for help in spotting it. [...]

Reptile Roadkill
Very few studies on herp road kill numbers exist, however, and they don’t exist for the U.S. as a whole. [...]