Category: Lizard Information & News
Bearded Dragon Stowaway Arrives In California Couple’s Bicycle Order
Hopefully the bearded dragon's owner will be found. [...]

The Blue-Tongue Skink’s Tongue Is Blue To Ward Off Predators, Study Says
The blue-tongue skink's blue tongue is its last line of defense when trying to ward off predators. [...]

Sacramento Police Seek Man Who Stole Rare Albino Tegu Lizard
The owner offered a $1,000 no questions asked reward for his pet reptile. [...]

Wanted Man Faces 20 Years In Prison If Guilty For Killing Ex-Girlfriend’s Bearded Dragon
Girlfriend told authorities Dennis killed Nola in a jealous rage. [...]

Family Feeding Sailfin Lizards For 10 Years Spurs Authorities To Push For Critical Habitat Near Their Home
The Philippine sailfin lizard is listed as vunerable by the IUCN. [...]

Video: Fossil Discovered In The Early 2000s Is Of Oldest Known Lizard, Researchers Say
Megachirella wachtleri is considered the mother of all lizards. [...]

Man Sentenced To 13 Years In Prison For Trafficking 48 Armadillo Girdled Lizards
The armadillo girdled lizard is known to roll into a ball as a defensive mechanism against predators. [...]

Cuban Brown Anole No Longer Evolving, Scientists Say
The brown anole has essentially stopped evolving because it may not need to. [...]

Researchers Witness Cannibalistic Tendencies In Aegean Wall Lizard
This may be the first documented case of an Aegean wall lizard feeding on its own species. [...]

Bearded Dragon Looking For Its Owner At University Of Wisconsin, Madison
The bearded dragon may have escaped its enclosure or was left behind. [...]

New Guinea Lizards Have Lime Green Blood And Toxic Bile
These green-blooded reptiles have high levels of green bile pigment and are resistant to bile pigment toxicity. [...]

Texas Residents Encouraged To Fill Out Texas Invasive Brown Anole Survey
The invasive brown anole competes with native green anoles for food and brown anoles are also known to eat young green anoles. [...]

Woman In Hawaii Captures Invasive Iguana On Video, Which Goes Viral On Social Media
Iguanas are not native to Hawaii and are believed to be established in certain areas on Oahu and Maui islands. [...]

Endangered Species Protection Sought For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Much of the dunes sagebrush lizard's habitat is found in oil rich west Texas. [...]

UK Sand Lizard Population Bolstered With Release Of 21 Captive-Bred Lizards
The sand lizard is listed as threatened in the UK and protected under UK law. [...]

Uroplatus pietschmanni: No. 61 On ZSL's EDGE List Of Endangered Reptiles
Although captive breeding of Uroplatus pietschmanni takes place, output is considered too low. [...]

Paroedura lohatsara, Endemic To Madagascar, Listed 34th on ZSL's EDGE List Of Endangered Reptiles
Paroedura lohatsara is found on a single mountain range in Madagascar. [...]

Pronk's Day Gecko Listed At 46 On The EDGE List Of Endangered Reptiles
Also known as the marbled gecko, the Pronk's day gecko grows to 11 cm in length and is known to inhabit just one locality on Madagascar. [...]

Researchers Discover Ancient Lizard With Four Eyes, But They're Not What You Think
The eyes weren't eyes in the traditional sense, used for seeing, but rather likely used to detect changes in such things as light. [...]

Man Sentenced To Six Months House Arrest For Smuggling Five Monitor Lizards Into The US
All three species seized by the USFWS are protected under CITES. [...]

Olympic Gold Medalist Kyle Chalmers Loves His Reptiles!
The Aussie swimmer breeds beardies and blue tongues. [...]

Scientists Discover New Species Of Reptile With A Powerful Jaw
Colobops noviportensis was a tiny little reptile with a massive and powerful jaw. [...]

Researchers Study Green Anoles And How Stem Cells Promote Regrowth
The researchers hope to find out why the lizard has the capability to regenerate its tail. [...]

USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Cedar Key Mole Skink
The USFWS was petitioned by the Center in 2012 to protect the reptile under the Endangered Species Act. [...]