Author: Site Staff

USFWS Reopens Public Comment On Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Comment on Sceloporus graciosus arenicolus to close March 12, 2012 [...]

Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Listing Delayed By Six Months
More studies needed to determine if Sceloporus graciosus will be listed as endangered species. [...]

New Disease Threatens Endangered Rattlesnake Population
Also reported in other free-living North American snakes. [...]

Reptiles For Sale At 2012 America’s Family Pet Expo
Twenty percent of all reptile booth sales to benefit USARK. [...]

Scientists Develop A Powerful New Adhesive Inspired By Gecko’s Feet
Scientists invent ‘Geckskin’, a device capable of holding 700 pounds on a smooth wall. [...]

Colorful Lizard Discovered High In The Peruvian Andes
Potamites montanicola is believed to be semi-aquatic and nocturnal. [...]

Scent And Snake Matings Of The Red-sided Garter Snake
Estrogen hormone plays a critical role in communicating reproductive status of Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis [...]

Shieldcroc Lived Among Dinosaurs
Aegisuchus witmeri estimated at 25 to 35 feet in length had a thick skin on its forehead. [...]

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Holds Public Hearing On Mississippi Gopher Frog
The population or Rana sevosa is estimated at around 100 adult frogs. [...]
Bassett’s Cricket Ranch Rebounds From Cricket Virus
Company diversifies into feeder rats and mice. [...]

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Found In Galápagos Reptiles
Reptiles close to humans increases resistance to antibiotics. [...]
Northern California Town Bans The American Bullfrog
Santa Cruz is first in U.S. to ban the sale and possession of America's largest frog. [...]

Phoenix Herpetological Society Swaps Herps With Gatorland
PHS received four crocodiles in exchange for 10 alligators and four reticulated pythons [...]
Petition To Overturn The “Python Ban” Started On White House Website
Reptile lovers can sign petition in hopes of overturning ban. [...]

Conservation International Expedition Yields Tiny
2010 survey in Suriname discovers 46 new species. [...]

Georgia To Regulate Freshwater Turtle Trade
Rules proposed in an effort to cap ownership of freshwater turtles. [...]

Evans County Georgia Ends Rattlesnake Roundups
Whigham Community Club is last Georgia club that has a rattlesnake roundup. [...]

Southern River Terrapin Released Back Into Sre Ambel River In Cambodia
Estimates point to less than 10 nesting females of Batagur affinis in Cambodia's river system. [...]
Snake Movement Helps Search-and-Rescue Work
Rectilinear locomotion of the Boa dumerili studied. [...]
Top 10 Articles In 2011
Discover the top reptile articles that kept animal keepers and enthusiasts clicking for more on in 2011. [...]

Breeder’s Choice – Clown Ball Python
Russo Clown Ball Python (python regius) [...]
The REPTILES Tat Attack Tattoo Contest In Back!
If you have a herp-inspired tattoo, we want to see it. [...]