Category: Wild Lizards

1 2 3 4 5 10 72 / 236 POSTS
Florida Fish And Wildlife Wants Help In Controlling Tegu Population

Florida Fish And Wildlife Wants Help In Controlling Tegu Population

The Argentine black and white tegu is established in Florida. The FWC wants your help in controlling its population. [...]
80 Juvenile Sand Lizards Released Near Farnborough, England

80 Juvenile Sand Lizards Released Near Farnborough, England

Some of the sand lizards were outfitted with radio transmitters to track their movements. [...]
Utah Wants Feedback On Proposal To Ease Collection Of Wild Herps

Utah Wants Feedback On Proposal To Ease Collection Of Wild Herps

A new proposal by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources would ease the restrictions placed on herp collecting. [...]
Reptile Dentition: The Details on Reptile Teeth

Reptile Dentition: The Details on Reptile Teeth

Reptile Anatomy and Physiology is an important part of Herpetology and captive care! [...]
Scuba Anole Stays Submerged For 16 Minutes

Scuba Anole Stays Submerged For 16 Minutes

Ecologist Lindsey Swierk believes the temporary bubble on top of the aquatic anole's head enables it to breathe underwater. [...]
Texas Ends Conservation Plan For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

Texas Ends Conservation Plan For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

Much of the dunes sagebrush lizard's habitat is found in oil- rich west Texas. [...]
Phrynosoma asio: A Horned Lizard That Eats More Than Ants

Phrynosoma asio: A Horned Lizard That Eats More Than Ants

Keeping horned lizards is difficult because most are ant eaters. Phrynosoma asio apparently eats other insects as well. [...]
8 Interesting Reptiles And Amphibians Of Madagascar

8 Interesting Reptiles And Amphibians Of Madagascar

Madagascar is home to some of the most uniquely adapted reptiles and amphibians of the world. [...]
10 Evolutionarily Interesting Reptiles

10 Evolutionarily Interesting Reptiles

Here we showcase 10 of the strangest, coolest, and most bizzare creatures falling into the Reptilia nomenclature. [...]
Man Sentenced To 13 Years In Prison For Trafficking 48 Armadillo Girdled Lizards

Man Sentenced To 13 Years In Prison For Trafficking 48 Armadillo Girdled Lizards

The armadillo girdled lizard is known to roll into a ball as a defensive mechanism against predators. [...]
Cuban Brown Anole No Longer Evolving, Scientists Say

Cuban Brown Anole No Longer Evolving, Scientists Say

The brown anole has essentially stopped evolving because it may not need to. [...]
Researchers Witness Cannibalistic Tendencies In Aegean Wall Lizard

Researchers Witness Cannibalistic Tendencies In Aegean Wall Lizard

This may be the first documented case of an Aegean wall lizard feeding on its own species. [...]
Endangered Species Protection Sought For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

Endangered Species Protection Sought For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard

Much of the dunes sagebrush lizard's habitat is found in oil rich west Texas. [...]
USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Cedar Key Mole Skink

USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Cedar Key Mole Skink

The USFWS was petitioned by the Center in 2012 to protect the reptile under the Endangered Species Act. [...]
Texas Conservation Plan For The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard To Be Rewritten

Texas Conservation Plan For The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard To Be Rewritten

The plan was controversial when it was released because oil and gas industry lobbyists formed the makeup of foundation that was supposed to implement [...]
50 Duvaucel’s Geckos Released On Island They Once Roamed

50 Duvaucel’s Geckos Released On Island They Once Roamed

The Dvaucel's geckos were devastated by introduced mammals such as rats, cats and ferrets. [...]
The Solution For Keeping Monitor Lizards From Raiding Sea Turtle Nests? Cane Toads

The Solution For Keeping Monitor Lizards From Raiding Sea Turtle Nests? Cane Toads

Researchers have found that dead cane toads placed on top of sea turtle nests deter monitor lizards from pilfering the eggs. [...]
Iguanas Falling From Trees In South Florida Due To Extreme Cold

Iguanas Falling From Trees In South Florida Due To Extreme Cold

As the weather hits the 30s and 40s in South Florida, invasive iguanas start falling from their perches. [...]
Monitor Lizards Now No. 1 Predator Of Loggerhead Turtle Eggs On Second Most Popular Nesting Beach In Australia

Monitor Lizards Now No. 1 Predator Of Loggerhead Turtle Eggs On Second Most Popular Nesting Beach In Australia

Researchers are unsure how the large lizards discover the nests, which are on the second most popular nesting beach for loggerhead turtles. [...]

Vietnamese Crocodile Lizard Discovered In 2003 Finally Confirmed As Separate Subspecies

It is estimated that less than 200 Vietnamese crocodile lizards remain in the wild. [...]
Arizona Man Pleads Guilty To Selling Gila Monsters in South Carolina

Arizona Man Pleads Guilty To Selling Gila Monsters in South Carolina

Benson must serve five years probation and pay nearly $5,000 in fines—$2,225 restitution to the Lacey Act Reward Account and $2,500 to the Arizona Gam [...]
1 2 3 4 5 10 72 / 236 POSTS