Category: Lizard Information & News

Peter's Banded Skink Information
Peter’s banded skink is a newcomer to the trade that has arrived from northern Africa in just the past couple years. [...]
Large Gecko Species Discovered In The Eastern Ghats Of India
The gecko, Hemidactylus kangerensis, sports a resemblance to Hemidactylus maculatus, but differs based on the number of femoral pores on each side. [...]

Researchers Map Distribution And Density Of World’s Reptiles
The first definitive map that details the distribution and density of all described reptile species in the world. [...]

Video Helps Arrest Woman Accused Of Stealing Bearded Dragons
The woman was arrested and charged with fourth-degree grand larceny and endangering the welfare of a child.
Suffolk, NY Police Offer $5,000 Reward For Info On Woman Caught On Video Stealing Bearded Dragons
Suffolk police in Huntington Station, New York are offering a $5,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of a woman who apparently stole f [...]

80 Juvenile Sand Lizards Released In Eelmoor Marsh, United Kingdom
The sand lizard has experienced declines in England and Wales but is doing well in other parts of Europe and Asia. [...]

Two Lizard Species Slow High Speed Rail Project In Germany
Efforts have been underway for several months to relocate the lizards. [...]
Australian Authorities Seize Smuggled Reptiles Destined For Black Market
Among the reptiles seized were several venomous snakes. [...]

Exotic Insect Feeders For Your Herps
Silkworm larvae, tomato hornworms, Phoenix worms, locusts, fruit flies, cock roaches--your lizards and frogs will eat them [...]
Iguana-like Lizard Species That Lived 75 Million Years Ago Discovered in Montana
A paleontologist with Montana State University led a team of researchers who discovered an iguana-like lizard that inhabited the earth more than 75 mi [...]
New Gecko Species Discovered in Australia
A researcher thought he found a new species 40 years ago, which has now been confirmed. [...]

Golden Tegu Now Four Distinct Species
Researchers have identified three new species of Tegu lizards that were previously thought to be a single species. [...]

Gray’s Monitor Lizard Makes its Home at the San Diego Zoo
The Gray's monitor lizard, known as Butaan in the Philippines, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. [...]

Granite Spiny Lizard Diet May Factor in More Potent Southern Pacific Rattlesnake Venom
The Granite spiny lizard may be causing a more potent venom in the Southern Pacific rattlesnake in California's San Jacinto Mountains. [...]
Humans are Related to Reptiles, Study Says
Scale-less Bearded Dragon shows that feathers, hair and scales come from single reptilian ancestor [...]

Reptiles Lost During Fort McMurray Fire May be at Edmonton Humane Society
The humane society will be adopting these animals soon. [...]

New Anole Species Discovered in the Dominican Republic
Anolis landestoyi is closely related to Chamaeleolis anoles of Cuba. [...]

Texas Middle School Teacher Seeks Donations For Leopard Gecko Habitat
Ms Muñoz seeks funds for a leopard gecko enclosure. [...]

Lizards Sleep Like Humans, Study Says
Sleep patterns suggest common ancestor between reptiles, birds and mammals. [...]
New Fat-Tailed Gecko Species Discovered in Australia
A scientist with the Queensland Museum in Australia has discovered a new species of fat-tailed gecko that ins unique in that it has a round snout and [...]

Texas Comptroller Terminates Oil Industry Foundation set up to Protect Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
The foundation failed to protect the lizard or its habitat from the oil and gas industry. [...]

Reptile Fossil Discovered That Links Reptiles to Dinosaurs
Teyujagua paradoxa fills an evolutionary gap between archosauriforms and more primitive reptiles. [...]

Researchers Detail Oldest and Most Diverse Lizard Paleofauna Encased in Amber
The researchers were able to find multiple lizard species from five clades. [...]

Woman Bitten By Iguana At Marriott Hotel In Virgin Islands Sues Hotel Chain
A woman who was staying at the Marriott Frenchman’s Cove in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, claims she was bitten on the leg by an iguana while loun [...]