Category: Lizard Information & News

Fence Lizards Rapidly Adapt To Avoid Invasive Fire Ants
Fence lizards have evolved to twitch and flee from fire ants over the course of the last 40 lizard generations. [...]

Reptile Vet Safely Removes Hot Wheel From Pet Lace Monitor
The big lizard is doing much better thanks to a non-surgical method of removing the toy car from its stomach. [...]

Escaped Asian Water Monitor Captured After 3 Months On The Lam
Bamboo was captured after a homeowner spotted green iguanas running all over the street. [...]

Keeping And Breeding The Minor’s Chameleon
The Minor’s chameleon breeds readily in captivity. You just need to find some. [...]

Florida’s Invasive Reptiles
Florida is sometimes called ground zero for the number of invasive reptiles that now call the state home. [...]

5 Earless Monitor Lizards Hatched At Prague Zoo
Earless monitor lizards are native to Borneo. [...]

Horned Lizards Released Back Into The Wild In Texas
Captive breeding of the Texas horned lizard for release back into the wild should bolster their numbers. [...]

Researchers ID Genes That Enable A Specific Population Of Side-Blotched Lizards To Change Colors
A colony of side-blotched lizards living on black lava rock in the Mojave desert of Southern California can change its color after some time living un [...]
Actor Chris Pratt Takes His Bearded Dragon Out For A Walk
Leo, a domestic pet lizard, or DPL, goes out for a stroll in support of #TakeYourLizardForAWalkDay. [...]

Why Salamanders Can Regenerate Perfect Tails But Lizards Cannot
It is all in the stem cells, (or lack thereof) for tail regeneration in amphibians and lizards. [...]
Woman Doesn’t Give Up Found Bearded Dragon Despite Pleas From Owner
A woman says another woman won't return her lost bearded dragon. [...]

Texas Seeks Approval For Rewritten Plan To Protect Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
The dunes sagebrush lizard is found in southeastern New Mexico and west Texas. [...]

Hatchling Gila Monsters Don’t Leave Their Nest For Up To 10 Months, Study Says
Hatchling Gila monsters leave their nest when food sources are more abundant. [...]

King Cobras, Gila Monsters Seized From New York Home
It is illegal to possess the king cobra in the state of New York. [...]
Massachusetts Woman Continues Search For Her Lost Tegu Lizard
Tiggs the tegu went missing July 31. [...]
Police In Maine Seek Owner Of Found Monitor Lizard
Hopefully this monitor lizard finds its way home soon. [...]

First Of Its Kind Welfare Facility For Reptiles Opens In England
The National Centre for Reptile Welfare in Kent, England, can house up to 600 reptiles and amphibians at a time and rehome 1,000 animals each year. [...]
Two Fan-Throated Lizard Species Discovered In India
The two new species, Sitana gokakensis and Sitana thondalu hail from the Deccan Plateau. [...]

Researchers Describe First Recorded Predation Of Ireland’s Only Lizard Species By Invasive Spider
The Noble false widow spider has spread throughout much of Europe. [...]

Anole Lizards Evolve To Better Survive Hurricane Winds
Anole lizards evolve rapidly, often within a single generation. [...]

Invasive Species And Climate Change Threaten Australia’s Reptiles
One lizard species, the earless dragon, is being consumed by feral cats in very large numbers. [...]

Millions Of Australian Reptiles Killed By Feral Cats Each Year, Study Says
Feral cats kill about 466 million reptiles each year in Australia. [...]

Firefighters Rescue Escaped Iguana From Rooftop In England
Firefighters used a 9 meter ladder to rescue to the wayward reptile. [...]

Bearded Dragon Found In Walmart Delivery Order Gets Adopted
Bearded dragons are native to Australia and are widely captive-bred in the United States [...]