Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

1 6 7 8 9 10 18 192 / 430 POSTS
Captive-Breeding Brings Red-Legged Frogs Back To Yosemite National Park

Captive-Breeding Brings Red-Legged Frogs Back To Yosemite National Park

Captive breeding efforts enabled 500 California red-legged frogs to be released back into Yosemite Valley. [...]
USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Siskiyou Mountains Salamander

USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Siskiyou Mountains Salamander

The Siskiyou Mountains salamander lives in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of southern Oregon and northern California. [...]
Amphibians And The Fishless Ponds Of Florida

Amphibians And The Fishless Ponds Of Florida

The habitats that reptiles and amphibians depend on are species specific and reliant on the adaptive ways of the animals. “Niches” are spe [...]
New Treefrog Species Discovered In Ecuador

New Treefrog Species Discovered In Ecuador

Hyloscirtus hillisi is a dark mottled brown in coloration with tiny yellow spots found on its front and hind legs. [...]
Aussie Farmer Records Cane Toads Hitching Ride On Olive Python

Aussie Farmer Records Cane Toads Hitching Ride On Olive Python

Paul Mock was out lowering his dam's spillway when he happened upon the most unusual sight. [...]
Horned Marsupial Frog Rediscovered In Ecuador After Missing Since 2005

Horned Marsupial Frog Rediscovered In Ecuador After Missing Since 2005

The frog is in danger of becoming extinct because the area in which it lives faces the highest rate of deforestation in the country. [...]
Scientists Discover New Salamander Species In Florida

Scientists Discover New Salamander Species In Florida

Siren reticulata is two feet in length and has external gills and no hind legs. [...]
Search For Mate Of World's Most Endangered Frog Is On

Search For Mate Of World's Most Endangered Frog Is On

Sehuencas water frogs are fully aquatic frogs that at one point were found in abundance in ponds, rivers and streams of montane cloud forests in Boliv [...]
Frogs In England Stuck In Storm Drains Get Help From Team WART

Frogs In England Stuck In Storm Drains Get Help From Team WART

Frogs and toads trapped in drains in England are helped out by frog ladders placed in the drains. [...]
Japanese Giant Salamanders Breed For First Time Outside Japan

Japanese Giant Salamanders Breed For First Time Outside Japan

The laying and fertilizing of Japanese giant salamander eggs in Hawaii is a first outside of Japan. [...]
Certain Mosquito Repellents Are Lethal To Larval Salamanders

Certain Mosquito Repellents Are Lethal To Larval Salamanders

When exposed to picaridin in environmentally relevant concentrations, larval salamanders had a high mortality rate. [...]

Two New Frog Species Discovered In Vietnam

The newly discovered Vietnamese frogs live in a cold climate more than 3,000 meters above sea level. [...]
Aussie Couple Donates $100,000 To Help Save Southern Bell Frog

Aussie Couple Donates $100,000 To Help Save Southern Bell Frog

A couple in Australia have donated $AUS 100,000 to help boost the southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) population in the country's Lower Murray [...]
Wood Frog Behavior Changed By Agricultural Insecticides

Wood Frog Behavior Changed By Agricultural Insecticides

Wood frogs that were exposed to neonicotinoids moved less than those that hadn't been exposed. [...]
Aussie Wins Life Scientist Of The Year Prize For Work On Saving Frog Species

Aussie Wins Life Scientist Of The Year Prize For Work On Saving Frog Species

Berger wrote a doctoral thesis on chytrid fungus more than 20 years ago that has since been cited more than 1,800 times by scientists. [...]
Panamanian Frogs Surviving Despite Chytrid Fungus Infection

Panamanian Frogs Surviving Despite Chytrid Fungus Infection

Frogs in Panama adapting and surviving chytrid fungus infection. [...]
Why Salamanders Can Regenerate Perfect Tails But Lizards Cannot

Why Salamanders Can Regenerate Perfect Tails But Lizards Cannot

It is all in the stem cells, (or lack thereof) for tail regeneration in amphibians and lizards. [...]
Florida Student Develops Method To Screen Frogs For Perkinsea Disease

Florida Student Develops Method To Screen Frogs For Perkinsea Disease

The pathogen Perkinsea enters the frog through the skin or mouth and then attacks the liver. [...]
Researchers Discover New Earless Toad Species In Angola

Researchers Discover New Earless Toad Species In Angola

Poyntonophrynus pachnodes is small, at just 31 mm in length and is a brownish copper in coloration. [...]
Detroit Zoo Builds New Japanese Giant Salamander Exhibit

Detroit Zoo Builds New Japanese Giant Salamander Exhibit

The Japanese giant salamander is listed as near-threatened by the IUCN due to pollution and habitat loss. [...]
1 6 7 8 9 10 18 192 / 430 POSTS