Category: Frog & Amphibians Information & News

Utica Zoo Looking For Volunteer Frog Watchers
As a volunteer of FrogWatch USA, you can help count and ID frog calls. [...]

Pine Barrens Treefrog May Become New Jersey's State Amphibian
Designating the frog as the state amphibian would help the state pursue conservation efforts for the species and its habitat. [...]

New Species Of Cave Dwelling Frog Discovered In Thailand
Siamophryne troglodytes is a new species placed in an entirely new genus. [...]

Frogs Starting To Resist Chytrid Fungus, Study Says
Chytridiomycosis wiped out huge populations of Panamanian frogs in 2004. [...]
New Hyloscirtus Frog Species Found In South America
The discovery of Hyloscirtus japreria makes it the 37th species of the Hyloscirtus genus. [...]

Siskiyou Mountains Salamander Needs Endangered Species Act Protection, Petition Says
The Siskiyou Mountains salamander is threatened by federal plans to accelerate logging in its native range. [...]

Pollution In India Deforming Native Frogs
Researchers with Delhi University’s Sri Venkateswara College have discovered ornate narrow-mouthed frogs missing eyes, due to the effects of pollution [...]

Australian Scientists Field Trial Cane Toad Bait To Save Native Quolls
The cane toad was introduced to Australia to combat agricultural pests but has decimated native populations of quolls. [...]

Two New Frog Species Discovered In Sumatra
The tadpoles of the Sumatran cascade frogs have sucker-like bellies that enable them to stick to rocks in fast flowing streams. [...]
Herpetologists Stumped By Faceless Toad Discovered In 2016
Herpetologist Jill Fleming is unsure what happened to the face of this toad she happened upon back in 2016. She Tweeted the photo February 28 asking f [...]

Bill To Make Red Salamander Virginia’s State Amphibian Awaits Governor’s Signature
The red salamander may become the official salamander of Virginia. [...]

Michigan Biologists In Need Of Volunteer Frog Counters
Help Michigan count frogs and toads this spring. [...]

Captive-Bred Northern Corroboree Frogs To Be Released In Semi-Wild Enclosures
They are the result of new breeding techniques and their release is a new approach to locating wild reintroduction sites. [...]

Honolulu Zoo Now Home To Three Japanese Giant Salamanders
The Japanese giant salamander is listed as near threatened by the IUCN due to pollution and habitat loss. [...]

Toad Eats Beetle Then Pukes It Out After Beetle Lets Loose Chemical Defense
The bombardier beetle has a novel defense when ingested, it lets loose a toxic chemical spray from its abdomen. [...]

Connecticut Needs Folks To Count Frogs
Can you distinguish the call of a spring peeper? If so, the Connecticut chapters of FrogWatch USA needs you to help them count. [...]

Romeo, The Last Frog Of His Species Seeks Mate Through
Romeo, a Sehuencas water frog (Telmatobius yuracare) is looking for a mate. [...]

The Solution For Keeping Monitor Lizards From Raiding Sea Turtle Nests? Cane Toads
Researchers have found that dead cane toads placed on top of sea turtle nests deter monitor lizards from pilfering the eggs. [...]

Salt Shown To Clear Chytrid Fungus From Frogs
Translocated Australian green and golden bell frogs bred in captivity and released into habitats where salt was added to the water resulted in a 70 pe [...]

More Than 80% Of Amphibian Species In India's Western Ghats Under Threat Of Extinction
Noted Indian herpetologist Dr. SD Biju says that 80 percent of amphibian species in India are threatened with extinction. [...]

Cane Toads Rapidly Adjust To Cooler Temperatures, Study Says
The cane toad, native to Central America, is invasive in Australia and Hawaii. [...]

U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Case On Dusky Gopher Frog Critical Habitat Protections
The dusky gopher frog was previously found in just a single pond in Mississippi. [...]

500 Captive-Bred Variable Harlequin Frogs Released To The Wilds Of Panama
Variable harlequin frogs have been decimated by the chytrid fungus. These 500 released frogs will be observed to understand disease dynamics in relati [...]

Lawsuit Filed To Protect Neuse River Waterdog
The USFWS was first served a petition to protect the amphibian in 2010 and failed to act on the petition. [...]