Category: Frog & Amphibian Breeding
Axolotl Breeding
Seasonal changes in temperature and day length will usually cause axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) to breed in late winter and early spring. [...]
Boreal Toad Tadpoles Discovered At Colorado Reintroduction Site
The toad has experienced decline due to factors such as the chytrid fungus, which is devastating amphibian populations around the world. [...]
Care and Breeding Fire-bellied Toads
Fire-bellied toads are not true toads, but rather are frogs that average about 1.5 to 3.5 inches (4 to 9 cm) in length. [...]
Critically Endangered Gigantes Limestone Frog Successfully Bred For First Time In Captivity
Project Palaka announced the frogs began hatching October 17. Currently there are 21 neonates and all are voracious eaters. Photo by Project Palaka [...]
More than 1,000 Hellbenders Hatched This Fall At St. Louis Zoo
Of the 1,333 hatchlings, 583 came from eggs brought to the facility by the Missouri Department of Conservation. [...]

Lau’s Leaf Litter Toads: Female On Top During Mating, Study Says
In February 2010, the researchers watched as a pair of Tau's leaf litter toads engage in amplexus, or when the male grasps the female at the back. [...]

200 Loa Water Frog Tadpoles Born At National Zoo of Chile
The National Zoo of Chile announced October 20 that 200 Loa water frog tadpoles hatched from a clutch of eggs born from emaciated frogs that were resc [...]

Phoenix Zoo Celebrates 25 Years Captive Breeding Of Chiricahua Leopard Frog
The Arizona Center for Nature Conservation and the Phoenix Zoo, along with the Arizona Game & Fish Department (AZGFD), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv [...]

Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander Successfully Bred At San Antonio Zoo
The reticulated flatwoods salamander is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN.

Malaysian Horned Frog Care And Breeding Tips
Get hooked on these awesome anurans. [...]

Breeding The Kaiser's Mountain Newt
Neurergus kaiserii was once listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, but more recently its classification was changed to Vulnerable. [...]

The Northern Leopard Frog: From Egg To Frog
A journey of the leopard frog from tadpole to adult. [...]

Endangered Mexican Salamander Being Captive Bred By Nuns
It is estimated that there are only 100 Lake Pátzcuaro salamanders left in the wild.

More Than 11,000 Endangered Puerto Rican Crested Toad Toadlets Released
The Detroit Zoo’s National Amphibian Conservation Center has kept 15 of the tadpoles for future breeding efforts. [...]

Captive-Bred Northern Corroboree Frogs To Be Released In Semi-Wild Enclosures
They are the result of new breeding techniques and their release is a new approach to locating wild reintroduction sites. [...]

Romeo, The Last Frog Of His Species Seeks Mate Through
Romeo, a Sehuencas water frog (Telmatobius yuracare) is looking for a mate. [...]

500 Captive-Bred Variable Harlequin Frogs Released To The Wilds Of Panama
Variable harlequin frogs have been decimated by the chytrid fungus. These 500 released frogs will be observed to understand disease dynamics in relati [...]

Malayan Horned Frog Care And Breeding
Essential tips for successful Malayan horned frog husbandry and reproduction. [...]

Care And Breeding Africa’s Colorful Reed Frogs
Reed frogs are well known for the diversity of their appearance. [...]
Fake Mud Helps Critically Endangered White-Bellied Frogs Breed In Australia
The white-bellied frog is critically endangered in Australia and the Perth Zoo is trying to bolster its populations. [...]

Leopard Frog In Canada Gets Help As Calgary Zoo Starts Breeding Program
The British Columbia northern leopard frog's populations have dwindled in the last 40 years. [...]

Care and Breeding The Yellow-Spotted Climbing Toad
These toads are hardy when captive bred, and as easy to keep as a White’s tree frog. [...]
Hellbender Salamander Conceived With Cryopreserved Sperm Hatches at Nashville Zoo
It is hoped that assisted reproductive technology can help bolster wild populations of the Eastern Hellbender Salamander. [...]

Breeding The Bumblebee Dart Frog
Dendrobates leucomelas is considered easy to breed, although the species will never be as fecund as many other common species of dart frogs. [...]