Author: Site Staff

As Plastic Soaks In The Ocean It Begins To Smell Like Food, And Sea Turtles Ingest It
Plastic in the ocean is coated with algae and microorganisms that the turtles mistake for food. [...]

Snake Saved By Veterinarian After It Ate Beach Towel
The 18-year-old jungle carpet python went home the same day, a little hungry but otherwise healthy. [...]

USFWS Seeks Comment On Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Draft Recovery Plan
The venomous reptile is one of the smallest rattlesnakes in the United States [...]

The Black Pine Snake Is Now Protected In Mississippi And Alabama
The black pine snake is a subspecies of pine snake that isn't seen too often in the wild.

Pittsburgh Councilman Aims To Change Recently Passed Reptile Ordinance
The ordinance should be more humane with regard to enclosure requirements. [...]

First Ever San Luis Obispo Reptile Expo Coming March 14-15
Don’t be SLO - it’s nearly time to go! [...]

Center for Biological Diversity Sues Trump Administration For Failing To Protect Two Map Turtle Species
The Pearl River map turtle and the Pascagoula map turtle are only known to inhabit two river systems in Mississippi and Louisiana. [...]

Gourmet Holiday Recipes For Your Reptiles
Here are some simple recipes that will show your reptiles they’re part of the family. [...]

Special Holiday Offer of REPTILES magazine
Subscribe to REPTILES magazine for just $12 during the holiday season! [...]

Detroit Zoo Builds New Japanese Giant Salamander Exhibit
The Japanese giant salamander is listed as near-threatened by the IUCN due to pollution and habitat loss.
Police In Maine Seek Owner Of Found Monitor Lizard
Hopefully this monitor lizard finds its way home soon. [...]

Pet Turtle Survives Devastating Apartment Fire In Texas
The turtle was found in his tank, alive and well. [...]

Researchers Describe First Recorded Predation Of Ireland’s Only Lizard Species By Invasive Spider
The Noble false widow spider has spread throughout much of Europe. [...]

20 Eastern Indigo Snakes Reintroduced In Habitat That Hasn’t Seen Them In 35 Years
The eastern indigo snake has not been seen in the Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve for more than 35 years. [...]

Nevada Releases Desert Tortoise License Plates To Benefit Tortoise Conservation
Proceeds from the sale of the special Nevada desert tortoise license plate will benefit conservation efforts of the species. [...]

Scientists Discover Tiny Snake Fossil Encased In Amber
The snake lived 100 million years ago. [...]

New Venomous Snake Species Discovered In Australia – Bandy Bandy Snake
The Bandy bandy snake, Vermicella parscauda may already face extinction due to mining. [...]

Regurgitated Frog In Australia Released Back Into The Wild
After five weeks of rehab, Lucky was released back into the wild in good health. [...]

Woman At Kruger National Park Happens Upon Cobra Trying To Eat Monitor Lizard
The snake was persistent, but could it have really eaten such a large lizard? [...]

Florida’s Gulf World Says Goodbye To Liberty The Loggerhead Sea Turtle
The approximate lifespan of a loggerhead sea turtle is close to 70 years, though some have been known to live longer. [...]

9 Black Mambas Hatched At Reptile Gardens In South Dakota
The black mamba is one of the fastest snakes in the world and one of the deadliest. It is called the black mamba because the black color of its mouth, [...]

University of Otago Frog Expert Prof. Phil Bishop Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Prof. Bishop has dedicated 30 years of his professional career advocating for frogs and other amphibians around the world. [...]

Sea Turtle With 3 Flippers Rehabbed At Texas State Aquarium Doing Much Better
Champ survived an attack when it was just an inch square. [...]