Category: Wild Snakes

Black Rat Snake From Delaware Makes Trip To Montana And Back
Educators unknowingly transfer Elaphe obsoleta to their new Montana home. [...]
Man Finds Antique Gold Pendant During Florida Python Hunt
Mark Rubinstein finds gold pendant at site of Eastern Airlines and ValueJet plane crashes in Florida Everglades. [...]

Live Ball Python Found In San Diego, Calif. Dumpster
If owner doesn't claim the snake, it will be put up for adoption. [...]

New Species Of Palm Pit Viper From Honduras Discovered And Described
Bothriechis guifarroi was named after slain Honduran environmentalist Mario Guifarro. [...]

Indigo Snake Populations Up In Martin County, Fla.
Florida Gulf Coast University study estimates population in hundreds on 60,000 acres of land. [...]

A 42-inch Rattlesnake Found In Backpack At Texas School Bus Stop
Snakes of all types come out with the arrival of warm weather in many parts of the United States. [...]

Slender-Necked Sea Snake Evolved To Hunt Snake Eels
Two species of sea snake that are identical genetically but not physically evolved from a single species. [...]

Butler's Garter Snake To Be Removed From Wisconsin's List Of Endangered Or Threatened Species
First listed in 1997, DNR says that Thamnophis butleri has sufficient population numbers to warrant removal. [...]
USDA To Mice Bomb Guam In Effort To Reduce Invasive Brown Tree Snake Population
Boiga irregularis first arrived on Guam during World War II. [...]

Three Big Male Pythons Captured During Florida's Python Challenge Released Back Into The Everglades
Outfitted with transmitters, it is hoped these males will lead biologists to female pythons. [...]

Florida Python Challenge Nets 68 Burmese Pythons
Month long hunt removes 50 invasive Python molurus bivittatus from Florida Everglades. [...]

Proposed Nuke Plant Impact On Eastern Fox Snake Leaves Questions
Nuclear Regulatory Commission to hold hearings on potential habitat impact of Elaphe gloydi. [...]

Close To 400 Hunters Sign Up For Florida's 2013 Python Challenge
The event is designed to reduce the population of the Burmese python in the Everglades and to educate the public. [...]
Philippine Cobra, 12 Other Reptiles Added To Island Nation's Endangered Species List
The Panay monitor lizard is listed as critically endangered. [...]

New Species Of Ecuadorean Vine Snake Described
Imantodes chocoensis hails from the Chocoan forests of northwestern Ecuador. [...]

University Of Florida And USDA Wildlife Services Study Contradicts USGS Python Climate Projections
Growing Evidence Suggest Struggling Florida Pythons Won't Expand North [...]

Deadliest Sea Snake Is Actually Two Distinct Species
Beaked sea snake of Australia (Enhydrina zweifeli) is different from its Asian (E.schistosa) counterpart. [...]

California Teenager Survives Six Rattlesnake Bites
Girl was searching for a cell phone signal when she stepped into a nest of snakes. [...]

Black Mamba Venom Shown To Reduce Pain In Mice
Study of Dendroaspis polylepis venom could lead to painkillers that are as strong as morphine but without the respiratory distress associated with the [...]

Copperheads And Cottonmouths Serve As Winter Hosts To Equine Encephalitis Virus
Virus has found a winter incubator in the venomous snakes [...]

Aussie Teen Bitten By Inland Taipan Snake
Oxyuranus microlepidotus venom is considered the most deadly by median lethal dose value. [...]

Invasive Brown Tree Snake On Guam Leads To Explosion In Spider Populations
The brown tree snake has devastated Guam's bird population so severely over the last 60 years that only two of 12 birds native to Guam now exist. [...]

British Researchers Perform Ultrasound On 198-pound Reticulated Python
It took eight zookeepers to move Bali, a 23-foot-long resident of the Chester Zoo. [...]

Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo Releases 18 Smooth Green Snakes Into The Wild
Opheodrys vernalis were hatched as part of breeding program in conjunction with Lake County Forest Preserve District. [...]