Category: Snake Information & News

Can You Keep A Radiated Tortoise With A Malagasy Tree Boa? No, You Can't
The Memphis Zoo tried to create a mixed species environment. [...]

Herp Queries: Tricolor Hognose Snakes
White Wonder
Question: I know some snakes, such as speckled rattlesnakes, have some white coloration, and I know about leucistic mutations, bu [...]
Airplane Repo Star’s King Cobra Found Alive
The 8-foot king cobra escaped after a storm damaged its enclosure. [...]
Black Pine Snakes Listed As Threatened Under Endangered Species Act
A snake that depends on longleaf pine forests for survival has been granted protections under the Endangered Species Act. The black pine snake (Pituop [...]
Reticulated Python Bites Owner Of Captive Born Reptiles
Three officers helped to remove the python from the owner. [...]

South Carolina Utility Crew Accidentally Runs Over Boa Constrictor
The snake was probably someone's pet that got loose. [...]

Florida Woman Looking For Flea Market Bargains Finds An 8-Foot Burmese Python
A Burmese python was found amongst some clothing at a flea market in Florida. [...]

Kansas Family Finds Ball Python In Toilet
Have you ever found a reptile after a move to a new place to live? [...]
3-Year Old Girl Finds Two-Headed Ringneck Snake While Exploring in Her Backyard
The ringneck snake is common throughout much of North America [...]

Lawsuit Regarding the “Snake Infested” Maryland House to Commence
Mediation as required by the sales contract failed to resolve the dispute. [...]
Search Called Off For Escaped King Cobra In Florida
The venomous snake escaped its enclosure after storms damaged the roof of the garage in which it was kept. [...]
Yellow-Bellied Water Snake Gives Birth via Parthenogenesis
The snake succesfully gave birth two a pair 2014. The current offspring did not survive. [...]

Snake Infested Maryland House Lawsuit Postponed
Judge has not recused himself but may do so. [...]
New Venomous Snake Species Discovered In Australia
The snake, of the genus Acanthophis, is a death adder. [...]

Antivenin For Black Mamba, Other African Venomous Snakes Set To Run Out In 2016
The antivenin Fav-Afrique is proven to counteract snakebites from the venomous snakes in sub-Saharan Africa [...]

Ball Python Captured In Hawaii Garage
There are no native snakes in Hawaii and it is illegal to keep them as pets. [...]

King Cobra Escapes Its Handler In Florida
Media says reality TV star reported the cobra missing the day after it escaped. [...]
Man Causes Python To Regurgitate 5 Birds
Nobody was guarding the hen house. [...]

Python Gets Honorable Mention in They Ate What? Vet Radiograph Contest
Veterinary Practice News hosts an X-Ray contest every year whereby veterinarians send in their most “eye popping” radiographs f [...]
Two Critically Endangered Louisiana Pine Snakes Hatched At Florida Zoo
Louisiana pine snakes have very small clutches, usually around three to five eggs per clutch. [...]
Sea Snake And Venomous Stonefish In Epic Jaw Lock Battle In Australia
Both the sea snake and the stonefish were essentially in a stalemate when a local diver tried to separate the two. [...]

Another California Man Who Tried to Take Selfie With Rattlesnake Gets Bit
Alex Gomezes' mother shared his story so others would helpfully learn what she thought her son already knew. [...]

Florida Man Survives Coral Snake Bite
According to Newschannel 3, 52 people were bit by coral snakes in 2014 [...]

Is A Snake A Service Animal?
Man in Missouri claimed a snake around his neck was his service animal. [...]