Author: Leo Spinner

Caring For The Green Iguana
Despite setbacks, the Lizard King’s popularity endures. [...]

Long-tailed And Emerald Grass Lizard Care Tips And Information
The long-tailed and emerald grass lizards are unique and won’t break your bank. [...]

Pine Snake Care And Natural History
Despite the fact that some can be feisty, pine snakes have increased in popularity. [...]

Red-Eared Slider Care Tips And Information
Due to demanding long-term needs, keeping this beautiful turtle can be a
double-edged sword. [...]

IBD – The Twisted Tale of Inclusion Body Disease
Inclusion Body Disease is devastating to the snakes that are infected by it. [...]

Natural History And Captive Care Of The American Bullfrog
The American bullfrog is an icon in the hobby. [...]

The Argentine "Pac Man" Horned Frog – Natural History And Captive Care
The horned frog is a favorite among amphibian keepers primarily due to their small size and compact stature [...]

Natural History Of The Spotted Salamander
Although not as popular in the pet trade as its larger cousin, the tiger salamander (A. tigrinum), the spotted salamander is an equally impressive ani [...]

Exotic Pet Lizard Types
Here is just a sampling of the exotic lizards in the hobby. [...]

Interesting Facts About Reptiles
There are still new and interesting facts to uncover about reptiles. [...]

Natural History And Captive Care Of The Colorado River Toad
Ranging from extreme southeast California to extreme southwest New Mexico and south into Mexico (Behler and King 1979) and at a staggering 3 - 7 [...]

The Natural History And Captive Care Of The Northern Water Snake
Maintaining northern water snakes in captivity can be a rewarding experience. [...]

Natural History And Captive Care Of The Fowler's Toad
Located in Southeast New England (coastal Massachusetts specifically), peninsular Cape Cod extends into the Atlantic Ocean with its 90 miles [...]

The Natural History and Captive Care of the Eastern Hognose Snake
A wide spread snake, the Eastern hognose snake is found throughout the eastern United States [...]

Rough Green Snake Care Sheet
Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
The rough green snake is readily available in the pet trade and unfortunately is one of the most [...]

Pine Snake Care Sheet
Updated January 30, 2023
Pine snake (Pituophis Spp.)
Pine snakes are a smaller component of a larger group of American snakes belonging to the g [...]

Plumed Basilisk Lizard Care Tips
Although the plumed basilisk is usually tame in captivity, exercise caution when handling even tame specimens. [...]

The Graceful Rough Green Snake
The natural history and captive care of Opheodrys vernalis. [...]

Woma Python Care And Breeding
Captive care for the forever fascinating woma python. [...]

Three-toed Box Turtle Care and Information
Kept properly in an outdoor pen, the three-toed box turtle can thrive. [...]

Captive Care And Breeding Of The Central American Ornate Wood Turtle
Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima manni is a great turtle to keep if you can find one. [...]

Plumed Basilisk Breeding
Bonus content from the October 2010 REPTILES magazine article "Exotic Appeal." [...]

Care For The Spotted Salamander
Expert care tips for the spotted salamander [...]

Spotted Salamander Care Sheet
Care sheet for the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum). [...]
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