Category: Snake Breeding

Stimson’s Python Born In Captivity Against The Odds
The Stimson's python is a popular pet snake native to Australia [...]

Captive Breeding Of Gray-Banded Kingsnakes
Expert breeding tips for the gray-banded kingsnake. [...]

Coon Rapids Snake Breeder Appeal Rejected By Minnesota Supreme Court
Coon Rapids snake breeder's appeal not heard by Minnesoty Supreme Court. [...]

Python Egg Incubation
Reptile eggs have certain requirements, and once they are met, a good, viable egg will hatch. [...]

Tips For Breeding Boa Constrictors
Seasonal temperature fluctuations are the key to success with Boa constrictor imperator. [...]

Conquer The Challenge Of Breeding Green Tree Pythons
Morelia viridis presents some challenges when it comes to breeding. Follow these instructions for success. [...]

How To Breed The Popular Corn Snake
Pantherophis guttatus (formerly classified as Elaphe guttata) is easy to breed if you provide the right temperature and photoperiod triggers. [...]

Breeding The Annulated Tree Boa
Tips on breeding the annulated tree boa. [...]

Breeding Trans-Pecos Rat Snakes
Breeding Bogertophis subocularis, a popular North American rat snake. [...]

Ball Python Morph History
The ball python has become the most popular pet snake in herptoculture. [...]
Breeding Oreocryptophis porphyraceus Rat Snakes
Expert Breeding Tips For Oreocryptophis porphyraceus Rat Snakes [...]

Fire Destroys Colorado Home Of Boa And Ball Python Breeders Lynn And Ken Kubic
More than 1,000 reptiles were saved. [...]

Rico Walder Relief Effort
World-renowned breeder of green tree pythons is battling brain cancer. [...]

Garter Snake Breeding
Bonus content from the May 2010 REPTILES magazine article "Familiar Favorite." [...]

Eight Tentacled Snakes Born At National Zoo In Washington D.C.
Zoo had been trying to breed Erpeton tentaculatum for the last four years. [...]

Connecticut Homeowner Can Continue Home-Based Snake Breeding Business
City issues cease and desist order, later issues home business permit for breeder of ball pythons and boa constrictors. [...]

Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo Releases 18 Smooth Green Snakes Into The Wild
Opheodrys vernalis were hatched as part of breeding program in conjunction with Lake County Forest Preserve District. [...]

Largest Burmese Python Captured In Florida Carried 87 Eggs
The female Python molurus bivittatus measured 17-feet-7-inches and weighed 164.5 pounds. [...]

How To Breed Beautiful Rainbow Boas
Bonus content from the August 2012 REPTILES magazine article " Colorful Captive." [...]

Heat Seeker
Supplement to the February 2008 REPTILES magazine article "Heat Seeker." [...]

Successfully Reproducing Mexican Kingsnakes In Captivity
Brumation is key to breeding. [...]

Care And Breeding The Western Hog-nosed Snake
Captive breeding and new mutations have boosted the demand for western hog-nosed snakes. [...]

Scent And Snake Matings Of The Red-sided Garter Snake
Estrogen hormone plays a critical role in communicating reproductive status of Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis [...]
Breeding Rosy Boa Snakes
Lichanura trivirgata is sometimes challenging to breed. [...]