Category: Snake Breeding

Southern African Python Mothers Stay With Their Babies For About Two Weeks After They Hatch
The mother snakes also warm their bodies and return to the snake nest to warm their babies. [...]

Louisiana Pine Snake Breeding Program Started At Ellen Trout Zoo
The snake is rare in Louisiana and has all but disappeared in Texas. [...]

Newquay Zoo First To Breed Long-Nosed Vine Snakes In UK Zoological Collection
The breeding pair gave birth to 11 snakes. [...]

Scientists Release 25 Eastern Indigo Snakes Into Alabama Forest
The Eastern indigo snake has not been seen in the wild in Alabama since the 1950s. [...]

Them Guns Frontman Navarone Garibaldi Shows off His Clutch of Retics
Navarone Garibaldi of the rock band Them Guns is a reptile lover. He just released a video on Vimeo detailing his clutch of reticulated pythons. He al [...]

A Crash Course In Ball Python/Reptile Genetics
It pays to know some basic rules if you’re going to breed herps! [...]
Aussie Snake Breeder Hatches Two-Headed Coastal Carpet Python
The two-headed coastal carpet python share the same body but different necks. [...]

A Crash Course In Reptile Genetics
It pays to know some basic rules if you’re going to breed herps! [...]

Honduran Milksnake History And Care Tips
Found throughout Central America and northwestern South America, Honduran milksnakes are large and powerful constrictors. [...]
Yellow-Bellied Water Snake Gives Birth via Parthenogenesis
The snake succesfully gave birth two a pair 2014. The current offspring did not survive. [...]
Two Critically Endangered Louisiana Pine Snakes Hatched At Florida Zoo
Louisiana pine snakes have very small clutches, usually around three to five eggs per clutch. [...]

Hatching Ringneck Snakes
Ringneck snakes are a common, yet spectacular snake found throughout much of North America [...]

Plains Garter Snake Treated For Skin Cancer in Ohio
A plains garter snake (Thamnophis radix) that is part of a breeding program at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium has been successfully treated for melano [...]

Breeding the Eastern Indigo Snake
Successful captive breeding of the eastern indigo snake is within the capability of anyone willing to put forth a little extra effort, patience and at [...]

Breeding Carpet Pythons
Since the time hominids first became Homo sapiens and used plants and animals in ways other than hunting and gathering, the practice of selective bree [...]
Slayer’s Kerry King Gives A Glimpse Of His Snake Breeding Facility
If you are a fan of the metal band Slayer, then you definitely want to see this video showing Kerry "Effing" King’s snake breeding warehouse. That is [...]
Reticulated Python Confirmed To Have Mothered Babies via Parthenogenesis
A reticulated python that mothered six babies at Kentucky's Louisville Zoo in 2012 was confirmed to be the sole parent of the brood, according to a st [...]

Iowa Snake Breeder’s Application For Home-Based Business Permit Denied By City
Thompson can double the number of snakes he keeps, but cannot reduce the number by selling them.
Minnesota Snake Breeder Scott Nellis Passes Home Inspection
Scott Nellis can continue to breed certain snakes in his home-based business. [...]

Honduran Milk Snake Breeding Tips
Honduran milksnakes make for an interesting breeding project. [...]
Tables Turned For Woman Who Opposed Connecticut Snake Breeder's Permit
Snake breeder files complaints against woman who filed complaint against him. [...]

Reticulated Python Care Tips
This is not your father's retic [...]

Woma Python Care And Breeding
Captive care for the forever fascinating woma python. [...]

Breeding Emerald Tree Boas
Tips and secrets for breeding Corallus caninus. [...]