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New Species of Freshwater Turtle Discovered in Papua New Guinea
Elseya rhodini is of the side-neck turtle family Chelidae [...]

The Top 10 Reptiles Most Reliant on Zoo Breeding Programs for Survival
Did you ever wonder what the top 10 reptiles and amphibians that are most reliant on zoos and aquariums for their survival on Earth? The British and I [...]
!0,000 Titicaca Water Frogs Die in Peru And Nobody Knows Why
The large water frog is also known as the scrotum frog due to its large folds of skin. [...]

Snake Handler in Bangkok Captures Cobra Like a Boss
The man subdues a venomous cobra with his bare hands. [...]

USFWS Sets Aside Land for Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog and Two Other Amphibians
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has set aside nearly 2 million acres of land for the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, the mountain yellow-legged f [...]

Zoo Knoxville Successfully Hatches a Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
Zoo Knoxville first successfully hatched a black-breasted leaf turtle back in 2005. [...]
Victoria, BC City Workers Fail to Rescue Snake Stuck in Storm Drain
Snake has plenty of food in storm drain, city officials say. [...]

Toads Avoid The Toad Tunnel And Cross Road In Canada Instead
Western toads in Canada are crossing a road to get to the forest in which they live, avoiding the toad tunnel that was built for them. [...]

Golden Tegu Now Four Distinct Species
Researchers have identified three new species of Tegu lizards that were previously thought to be a single species. [...]

Gray’s Monitor Lizard Makes its Home at the San Diego Zoo
The Gray's monitor lizard, known as Butaan in the Philippines, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. [...]

Australian Man Shows Off His Snake on Train and Gets it Confiscated by Police
The snake was in good condition, but will be rehomed. [...]

Florida FWC Asks Public For Opinion Regarding Venomous Reptilekeeping
Take the survey and voice your opinion regarding venomous reptiles. [...]

Granite Spiny Lizard Diet May Factor in More Potent Southern Pacific Rattlesnake Venom
The Granite spiny lizard may be causing a more potent venom in the Southern Pacific rattlesnake in California's San Jacinto Mountains. [...]

Australian Scientists Create Snake Bite Antivenin Targeted Specifically at Dogs
The vaccine is highly effective in treating eastern brown and eastern tiger snake bites. [...]

Ball Python Captured on Maui, Hawaii Coffee Farm
The snake was euthanized due to its poor condition. [...]
Humans are Related to Reptiles, Study Says
Scale-less Bearded Dragon shows that feathers, hair and scales come from single reptilian ancestor [...]

Two Critically Endangered Indochinese Box Turtles Hatch at UK Zoo
The zoo's first successful hatching of this species occurred in 2013. [...]

Reptiles Lost During Fort McMurray Fire May be at Edmonton Humane Society
The humane society will be adopting these animals soon. [...]

New Anole Species Discovered in the Dominican Republic
Anolis landestoyi is closely related to Chamaeleolis anoles of Cuba. [...]

Red-eyed Treefrog Embryos Escape Predation While Still in the Egg
The red-eyed treefrog embryos can sense predators and escape from their eggsac. [...]

Researchers in India Discover 7th Mating Position for Frogs
There is no physical contact during what researchers call the "dorsal straddle." [...]

Owner's Response To Govt. Request To Access Property To Count Yellow-Legged Frogs Is Priceless
A couple in Oregon received a formal request from the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife last month for permission to survey the creek that [...]

New Pristimantis Frog Species Discovered in Peru
A new frog species has been discovered near the border of Peru’s Manu National Park. [...]

New Boa Species Discovered in the Southern Bahamas
The Conception Bank silver boa lives in palm trees and feeds on birds. [...]