Author: Site Staff

Turtle Hunting Banned In Alabama
State saw a surge in turtle hunting permits as neighboring states banned the collection of wild turtles. [...]

Texas Volunteers Needed For Spring 2012 Herp Count
Biologists are concerned about last year's drought and heat effects on state's reptiles and amphibians. [...]

REPTILES Tat Attack! Tattoo Contest 2012
Win cash prizes! The REPTILES Tat Attack! tattoo contest is here! [...]

Did Ancient Marine Reptiles Explode After Death?
New forensic techniques crack this ancient mystery of what happened to these prehistoric reptiles. [...]

Long-Fingered Frog Rediscovered After Disappearing More Than 60 Years Ago
Herpetologists find a single Cardioglossa cyaneospila in Burundi rainforest. [...]

Australian Lizards Protected From Invasive Toad Toxins
Blue-tongued skink feeds on toxic plant that has same toxin as toad. [...]
Titanoboa Slithers Into New York’s Grand Central Station
Replica of world's largest snake (Titanoboa cerrejonensis) to travel to museums across the country. [...]

Boa Constrictor Once Owned By Justin Bieber Now At Rad Zoo In Minnesota
Snake that was auctioned off last year donated to zoo by winner. [...]

Green Sea Turtles Thrive In Marine Protected Areas
Study shows that Chelonia mydas forages in MPAs more than previously thought. [...]

How Hard Can Crocodiles Bite?
Florida researchers study bite forces and pressures of the largest reptiles. [...]
Bill That Would Require Snake Ownership Standards, Permits Introduced In Ohio
If passed, law would require owners to meet certain standards and pay yearly permit fees to keep or breed certain snakes. [...]
New Frog Species Discovered. . . In New York City?
Leopard frog species with distinctive mating call detailed in new paper. [...]

Developer Works Toward Land Swap To Protect Mississippi Gopher Frog Habitat
Columbus Communities working with conservation groups to ensure last viable breeding pond of Rana capito sevosa is protected. [...]

More Critical Habitat Proposed For Mississippi Gopher Frog
Land conservation proposal would triple the habitat of Rana capito sevosa [...]

New Species Of Fossilized Turtle Found In Europe
Polysternon isonae seemingly died out with the dinosaurs. [...]

Madagascar Poison Frog Releases Both Sweet And Deadly Secretions On Its Skin
Sucrose discovered while studying chemical secretions of Mantella. [...]

Mayo Clinic Awarded $2.5 Million Grant To Study Use Of Snake Venom As Heart Treatment
Study to determine if medicine created with venom of green mamba can preserve cardiac and renal function. [...]
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Gets Some Protections In New Mexico
State signs agreement with Fish and Wildlife Service to set aside habitat in Permian Basin. [...]

How Tadpoles Optimize Their Buoyancy
Tadpoles are well-equipped to adjust their buoyancy in the water. [...]
Scientists In India Discover Earthworm-like Amphibian
Caecilian lives entirely under the earth. [...]

Breeder’s Choice – Uroplatus aff. henkeli
Uroplatus aff. henkeli [...]

U.S. House Judiciary Committee Passes H.R. 511
Resolution to ban four additional species of snakes has not yet been heard by full House of Representatives. [...]