Author: Site Staff

1 13 14 15 16 17 53 360 / 1259 POSTS

Reptile Ownership Drops, Research Firm Says

Packaged Facts says reptile ownership dropped to 1.8 million households in 2012 compared to 2.3 million in 2008 [...]
More Than 500 Turtle Hatchlings Released In Australia's Fitzroy River

More Than 500 Turtle Hatchlings Released In Australia's Fitzroy River

Minister of Environment and Heritage Protection rescued 42 clutches of turtle eggs. [...]
Vietnamese Flying Frog Discovered Less Than 100 Kilometers From Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnamese Flying Frog Discovered Less Than 100 Kilometers From Ho Chi Minh City

Rhacophorus helenae is about four inches in length and has webbed hands and feet to aid in gliding. [...]
Number Of Injured Bearded Dragons More Than Double In Outback Aussie Town

Number Of Injured Bearded Dragons More Than Double In Outback Aussie Town

Broken Hill-based rescue group treated 10 beardies in 2010-2011 versus 26 in 2011-2012 [...]

USARK CEO And President Andrew Wyatt Resigns

Wyatt co-founded the reptile advocacy organization in 2008. [...]
Sir David Attenborough’s Galapagos 3D To Feature Pink Iguana

Sir David Attenborough’s Galapagos 3D To Feature Pink Iguana

Attenborough captured Conolophus Marthae on video for his new Sky TV show. [...]
Turtle Survival Alliance Opens First Turtle And Tortoise Rescue Facility In Myanmar

Turtle Survival Alliance Opens First Turtle And Tortoise Rescue Facility In Myanmar

800 square foot facility is on a major road that illegal turtle traders use to get to China. [...]
Researchers Name Extinct Lizard After President Obama

Researchers Name Extinct Lizard After President Obama

Obamadon gracilis disappeared after an asteroid struck the earth 65 million years ago. [...]
Coon Rapids Snake Breeder Case Heads To Minnesota Court Of Appeals

Coon Rapids Snake Breeder Case Heads To Minnesota Court Of Appeals

Snake breeder takes case to higher court in attempt to save his business. [...]

Smuggled Cobra On Plane Bites Handler, Forces Emergency Landing

Jordanian apparently hid snake in carry-on bag during EgyptAir flight to Kuwait. [...]
NOAA Suspends Planned Use Of Turtle Excluder Devices On Certain Shrimp Trawlers

NOAA Suspends Planned Use Of Turtle Excluder Devices On Certain Shrimp Trawlers

Administration cites data showing TEDs not preventing smaller turtles from being caught in nets of certain shrimp trawlers. [...]
Wind Generator Towers Approved On Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard Habitat In Arizona

Wind Generator Towers Approved On Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard Habitat In Arizona

Wind-based electricity company wants to locate cooling towers on habitat where Phrynosoma mcallii live. [...]
New Species Of Ecuadorean Vine Snake Described

New Species Of Ecuadorean Vine Snake Described

Imantodes chocoensis hails from the Chocoan forests of northwestern Ecuador. [...]
Introduced Lizard In Miami Tolerates Cold Weather Better Than Its Puerto Rican Counterpart

Introduced Lizard In Miami Tolerates Cold Weather Better Than Its Puerto Rican Counterpart

Anolis cristatellus, introduced in Miami in 1975, can withstand temperatures 3 degrees cooler. [...]
Deadliest Sea Snake Is Actually Two Distinct Species

Deadliest Sea Snake Is Actually Two Distinct Species

Beaked sea snake of Australia (Enhydrina zweifeli) is different from its Asian (E.schistosa) counterpart. [...]
1 13 14 15 16 17 53 360 / 1259 POSTS