Author: John Virata
Researchers Find New Jurassic Pterosaur Species Dubbed Largest Of Its Kind
The bones the researchers found are preserved in three dimensions and the reptile is about 170 million years old. [...]
8 Of The Most Popular Geckos For Reptile Keepers
Geckos are some of the most beautiful lizards and these are widely captive-bred. [...]

Canned Wine Company Retracts Live Snake Giveaway
Elizabeth Banks is co-owner and chief creative officer of Archer Roose Wines. [...]
Nearly 8ft Eastern Indigo Snake Photographed By Georgia Biologists
Biologists with Georgia Southern University Department of Biology who work with the species photographed the specimen at Fort Stewart. [...]
Zoo Med Ships Three New Products For Reptile Lovers
Zoo Med Labs has released three new products for reptile enthusiasts; the ReptiCare Infrared Heat Projector, Wipeout Terrarium and Aquarium glass clea [...]

ESA Protections For Sonoran Desert Tortoise Not Needed, USFWS Says
The service says that the reptile still occupies most of its historical range with adult population estimates in the hundreds of thousands. [...]
California Bill Aims To Reduce Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions
The Safe Roads and Wildlife Protection Act would require The California Department of Transportation to identify barriers that inhibit wildlife moveme [...]

Snake On A Plane Causes AirAsia Flight To Reroute
In Kuching, the plane was fumigated and the passengers were allowed to board and continued with their flight. [...]
Two Venomous Australian Snakes Came By Sea, Not Land
Researchers conclude that the ancestor snake to all Australian elapids have genes that are not found in their land-based relatives. [...]
Contact Your Senators To Voice Opposition to Lacey Act Amendments In America COMPETES Act HR4521
The effective date would be one year after the enactment of this Act. [...]
Chytrid Fungus More Prevalent In Baja CA Red-Legged Frogs Than In Southern CA Frogs
In addition to the red-legged frogs, the researchers also found that the Western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) had the highest Bd load of all the amphibian s [...]
Frosted Flatwoods Salamander Bred In Captivity For First Time
This marks the first time the species has been bred in captivity. [...]
Cuban Treefrogs In Florida Carry Rat Lungworm Disease
The state recommends that you euthanize the amphibian immediately and humanely once captured. [...]
African Clawed Frogs Regenerate Hind Limbs With Drug Therapies
The researchers surgically removed one hind leg of adult African clawed frogs and then used a silicone sleeve, called a BioDome cap, on the stump to a [...]
Researchers Discover Ancient Myanmar Lizard Species Encased In Amber
The juvenile specimen is so well-preserved that an articulated skull and anterior portion of the trunk, as well as the pectoral girdle and anterior li [...]
Florida FWC Executive Order Helps Relocate Gopher Tortoises
The gopher tortoise is a federally endangered species that is listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). [...]
Wife Of Snake Breeder Ben Renick Sentenced To 16 Years In Prison For His Death
Renick was murdered on his property in 2017. [...]
5 Great Pet Lizards For Reptile Keepers
Provisions to keep these reptiles can be had at nearly every pet and reptile store, and the major manufacturers have enclosure bundles designed specif [...]
Monitor Lizard In Singapore Photographed With Zip Tie Around Neck
An Asian water monitor has what appears to be a cable tie fastened around its neck, which could cause it to starve. [...]

Watergum Australia Launches Cane Toad Bust
Cane toads are an invasive species in Australia with population estimates at more than 2 billion. [...]

Don’t Kiss Your Bearded Dragon! CDC Reports Salmonella Infections
Bearded dragons and most other reptiles can carry Salmonella in their gut and droppings even when they look healthy. [...]
Researchers Name a Tiny Rainfrog After Activist Greta Thunberg
The frog, named Greta Thunberg’s rainfrogs (Pristimantis gretathunbergae) is tiny, at about 3 to 4 centimeters in length. [...]
National Geographic Society Awards Grant To Conserve Gigantes Island Frog
It will help with monitoring wild populations of the frog as well as establish a captive breeding program at the University of the Philippines. [...]
Funzo The Pig-Nosed Turtle Gets Cyber Bullied On His Birthday
This has got to be the first time a reptile has been cyberbullied online. [...]