Category: Wild Turtles & Tortoises

Florida FWC Seeks Assistance In Turtle Die-Off Mystery
The turtles have been dying in and near the St. Johns River since March 2018.

800 Flapshell Turtles Confiscated In India
The Indian flapshell turtle (Lissemys punctata) is a relatively small species that is hardy, durable and adaptable. [...]

Study Finds Microplastics In All Seven Marine Turtle Species
Large pieces of plastic degrade in the ocean and become microplastic. It does not go away. [...]

Possible Largest Gopher Tortoise On Record Found In Florida
The male tortoise weighs 33 pounds and has a 17.3-inch carapace. [...]

Nearly 200 Sea Turtles Found Frozen Off Cape Cod
A “perfect storm” of gale force winds, high tide and cold temperatures caused their demise. [...]

Indian Ocean Tortoise Alliance Formed To Protect Aldabra Tortoise
The giant Aldabra tortoise was once found on most islands in the Indian Ocean. [...]

Two Map Turtle Species Need Protections
The Pascagoula and Pearl River map turtles were petitioned by the Center for protection in 2010. [...]

Conservation Efforts Help Giant South American Turtle Population Increase
The South American Giant River Turtle has benefited from local beach protections on the Amazon River. [...]

490 Indian Star Tortoises Seized In India
Even though Indian star tortoises are widely captive bred for the pet trade, wild caught specimens are still illegally collected. [...]
Olympic Gold Medalist David Verburg Rescues Tortoise From Road
Olympic gold medalist David Verburg stops and helps turtles and tortoises off the road whenever he sees them. [...]

8 Interesting Reptiles And Amphibians Of Madagascar
Madagascar is home to some of the most uniquely adapted reptiles and amphibians of the world. [...]
More Than 300 Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Found Dead In Abandoned Fishing Net
The dead sea turtles were brought to shore and buried. [...]
Virginia Living Museum Seeks Name For Loggerhead Sea Turtle
The loggerhead turtle will be released after it is fully rehabilitated. [...]

Arkansas Considers Ban On Commercial Harvesting Of Wild Turtles
The majority of turtles harvested in Arkansas from 2014 to 2016 were of breeding age. [...]

Loggerhead Turtle Treated For Red Tide Poisoning Released
Karenia brevis, also known as the Florida red tide organism can kill sea turtles. [...]

Desert Tortoise Will Be Harmed If Nevada Public Lands Bill Becomes Law, Conservation Groups Say
Desert tortoises range from the Mojave and Sonoran deserts in California and can also be found in Arizona, Nevada, and areas in Mexico. [...]

News: Huge Alligator Snapping Turtle Caught And Released In Oklahoma
Alligator snapping turtles in the state of Oklahoma are a species of special concern. [...]

State Of Nebraska Looking For Volunteers To Help Shore Up Turtle Fencing
There have been fewer Blanding's turtle deaths after the fencing was installed in 2001. [...]

Human Cancer Treatments Successfully Treat Fibropapillomatosis In Sea Turtles
Fibropapillomatosis is wreaking havoc in sea turtles around the world. [...]
New Species of Freshwater Turtle Discovered in Papua New Guinea
Elseya rhodini is of the side-neck turtle family Chelidae [...]

50 Desert Tortoises Available For Adoption By Arizona Residents
Once in captivity, desert tortoises can no longer be released into the wild due to the potential for them to introduce disease to wild populations of [...]

Gopher Tortoises Are Comprised Of 5 Genetically Diverse Groups, Study Says
More than 300 species rely on the network of tunnels the gopher tortoise creates. [...]
Critically Endangered Cambodian Royal Turtle Nest Discovered
Conservationists with the Fisheries Administration (FiA), WCS in the Southeast Asian country found 16 eggs in a nest of the critically endangered roya [...]

The Solution For Keeping Monitor Lizards From Raiding Sea Turtle Nests? Cane Toads
Researchers have found that dead cane toads placed on top of sea turtle nests deter monitor lizards from pilfering the eggs. [...]