Category: News RSS Feed
North Carolina Man Bitten By King Cobra Earlier This Month Charged With Illegal Animal Ownership
Ali Iyoob was working with his king cobra May 2 when it bit him on the wrist. [...]

Have You Ever Heard of the Snake Rodeo in Louisiana Where You Can Shoot Snakes On a Lake?
The event is sponsored by the The East Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Office with apparent blessings from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries [...]

Texas Middle School Teacher Seeks Donations For Leopard Gecko Habitat
Ms Muñoz seeks funds for a leopard gecko enclosure. [...]

Couple Gets Six Months for Smuggling Sea Turtle Eggs into California
Olga Jumenes was no stranger to law enforcement, the U.S. Attorney's office said. [...]

Man Tries To Steal Ball Python From Florida Pet Store And Gets Caught
Animal House Pet Center employees were ready when this guy tried to steal from the store. [...]

Brazilian Treefrog Named After Mythical Beast Of Amazon Described
Dendropsophus mapinguari was discovered in 2009 but has just been described. [...]

Lizards Sleep Like Humans, Study Says
Sleep patterns suggest common ancestor between reptiles, birds and mammals. [...]

Ball Python Found Dead in English Lake
If you purchase a reptile or any other animal and decide that you no longer want to can’t care for it, don’t release it where you live. Chances are it [...]
Ball Python Found in Beaumont, Tex. Woman’s Oven
Snake was safely removed by the city’s animal services. [...]
New Fat-Tailed Gecko Species Discovered in Australia
A scientist with the Queensland Museum in Australia has discovered a new species of fat-tailed gecko that ins unique in that it has a round snout and [...]

More Than 100 Seized Endangered Tortoises Returned to Madagascar
139 radiated tortoises and seven angonoka tortoises were smuggled from Madagascar and discovered in India. [...]

Chinese Turtle Smuggler Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison
Man smuggled turtles in excess of $1 million to China [...]
Indonesian Pop Star Irma Bule Dies After King Cobra Used as Stage Prop Bites Her
The king cobra's handler apparently had antivenin on hand but she refused treatment. [...]

Abandoned Red-Eared Slider Finds Home in New York Public Library
Rescued red-eared slider now calls the New York library home. [...]

USARK Constrictor Rule Update: April 4, 2016
Being the party that appealed USARK’s preliminary injunction, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) carries the burden [...]

Indian Dancing Frog Tadpoles Finally Observed
The Indian dancing frog (Micrixalus herrei), a frog that waves its legs when courting mates as well as in defense of its territory has been known to s [...]

New Viper Species Discovered in Ethiopia
University of Utah students snapped a picture of the new species in 2013. [...]
Researchers Determine Skin Color Of 10 Million-Year-Old Snake
With the help of a scanning electron microscope and the color palette of modern day colubrid snakes, researchers have devised a color pattern. [...]

USFWS Releases Draft Recovery Plan for Tiger Salamander
The recovery plan for the California tiger salamander was 10 years in the making. [...]

Pit Vipers Shipped From Philippines to Pennsylvania Found Dead at Post Office
The snakes were found in a box declared to be T-shirts. [...]

Texas Comptroller Terminates Oil Industry Foundation set up to Protect Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
The foundation failed to protect the lizard or its habitat from the oil and gas industry. [...]
Man Releases 13-foot Python inside Japanese Restaurant in California
A customer at a sushi restaurant in Studio City, Calif. was arrested after he apparently threw his 13-foot python at guests of the restaurant after an [...]

Wood Turtles Need Endangered Species Protections, Lawsuit Says
The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, claiming the service has not decided whether to list t [...]
Chinese Man Feeds Puppy to His Python And Gets Some Serious Flack
Chinese social media reacts with impunity at this man for feeding a puppy to his snake. [...]